> On Feb 10, 2017, at 8:55 AM, Tino Heth <2...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if I like the concept of having two kinds of enum.
>> Why not? Bool-like enums would be declared ‘closed’, and would not require a 
>> default case (but adding a new case would then break ABI).
> Well, enums are already (relative) complex, and with this addition, there 
> would be six different flavors.
> Imho it would be less bad if we could recycle existing modifiers, but with a 
> hypothetic "closed" access level added as well, I have strong doubts that the 
> feature carries its weight.

Closed would not be an access level, just an attribute orthogonal to the 
others. What do you mean by the six different flavors?

>> For better or worse we need the ability to define enums that admit new cases 
>> without breaking ABI. Whether or not this is the default for all enums, or 
>> enabled with a special attribute can be designed later when we send out 
>> evolution proposals for resilience-related features.
> Intuitively, I thought this should not affect ABI… but no matter what 
> instability this is, I guess it could definitely crash an application that is 
> confronted with an unexpected case ;-)
> Wouldn't it be possible to create an implicit default case for every 
> switch-statement?

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