I know that private was scoped to files before Swift 3.

Fileprivate should obviously be removed because it is, like I said previously, 
just a poor man’s package access level. Yes, private was scoped to a file 
before Swift 3, but at least there wasn’t two kinds of private for a single 
file. Also scoping private to a file makes sense in Swift because it plays well 
with the ability to organize the implementation of a type inside of a file into 
the base type and a number of extensions. I now have to use fileprivate in 
Swift 3 to pull this off while there isn’t a requirement for a separate private 
access level. The fileprivate / private distinction also needlessly gets in the 
way when you want to refactor an existing type implementation into base type + 
extensions, all living in the same file.

Anyway, I don’t see a good reason why we should end up with this, once 
sub-modules exist:

open, public, module, fileprivate, private

when we can live with this:

open, public, module, private

and we’re not losing anything that would be significant compared to the 
alternative scenario.


Dietmar Planitzer

> On Feb 12, 2017, at 18:16, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What was added in Swift 3 was `private`; the old `private` was renamed 
> `fileprivate` with no change in behavior. Certainly, submodules are a big 
> topic that deserves careful consideration. But the question being discussed 
> here is about rolling back the change that was implemented in Swift 3 by 
> removing `private` and restoring `fileprivate` to its old name.
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Dietmar Planitzer via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Fileprivate is a feature that should not have been added to Swift 3 because 
> it is in the end just a needlessly limited version of the Java package access 
> level. Fileprivate forces me to put all types which are related on an 
> implementation level into the same file while Java packages allow me to put 
> each type implementation into a separate file. The only thing that Java 
> requires is that all files which are part of the same package are tagged with 
> the same package id. Java’s package access level is more powerful than 
> fileprivate because it gives me more freedom in how I want to organize my 
> code while still making sure that code in sibling and parent packages can not 
> access symbols inside my package which form part of the implementation 
> details of my package.
> The first thing that needs to happen before any more access levels are added 
> is that a concept of sub-modules is added to Swift along the lines of:
> 1) modules can be organized into a tree with one module as the root.
> 2) all modules which are nodes in the same module tree form a single 
> resilience domain.
> IMO, the sub-module stuff should be designed similar if not the same way as 
> Java packages because there are already lots and lots of SDEs who know how 
> Java packages work, and Java packages are well understood, simple and 
> straight-forward in their mechanics.
> Once sub-modules are in place, it makes sense to revisit the access level 
> topic. Eg in order to add a “module” access level that represents the scope 
> of a module. So “module” could then do what file private can do today plus 
> more. But we should stop trying to add more access level to the language 
> until then. We also need to look much more at the bigger picture of things 
> instead of getting too much hung up on a single component of a larger 
> mechanism, when it is that larger mechanism that is primarily interesting and 
> relevant.
> Regards,
> Dietmar Planitzer
> > On Feb 12, 2017, at 16:16, Zach Waldowski via swift-evolution 
> > <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> >
> > I vehemently agree on these points. New-private and fileprivate "[add] more 
> > information" to a file the same way requiring `self.` and other sorts of 
> > visual noise that Swift normally eschews.
> >
> > I wish for the Swift community to be introspective enough to count both its 
> > successes and failures. SE-0025 was a botched addition to the language. 
> > That the migrator did such a bad job is evidence of its poor overall 
> > consideration. Adding a fix-it strikes me as the compiler waggling its 
> > finger at me for code that would've been perfectly fine in the past, 
> > something that it is not at all true with the "let" fix it; accidental 
> > mutation has been discussed a ton by the larger programming community, 
> > not-so-much for obscure access control mechanics.
> >
> > It's perplexing that fileprivate advocates continue to stand on mostly 
> > theoretical benefits about new-private. I feel nothing for the mathematical 
> > purity about the types in a file. In practice, I can with much experience 
> > now how awful it is. There has been no end to the confusion its 
> > introduction has inflicted upon my team(s), people new to the language, and 
> > people revisiting the language:
> >
> > - My teams and coworkers are less effective at code review from constant 
> > litigation about access control. "'Did this need to change?' / 'No, it was 
> > just the migrator.'" has become a disturbingly common refrain.
> >
> > - New users are just struggling to figure out where to put the curly braces 
> > in the first place. Having to make them check and re-check where things go 
> > in a file, or just tell them to use this clunky get-out-of-jail-free 
> > keyword, feels like visiting a special kind of Pythonic hell on a language 
> > I otherwise love and love to teach.
> >
> > - People returning to the language feel (and often say - just look at 
> > Twitter) Swift has a lot of syntax, and are frustrated that the addition of 
> > a new keyword was burned on adding something that amounts to mostly a 
> > stylistic opinion.
> >
> > All the best,
> >   Zachary Waldowski
> >   z...@waldowski.me
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 12, 2017, at 04:45 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution wrote:
> >> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Feb 12, 2017, at 2:35 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> >>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> _Potentially_ meaningful, certainly. But what I'm hearing is that it 
> >>> isn't actually meaningful. Here's why:
> >>>
> >>> If I see `fileprivate` and can understand that to mean "gee, the author 
> >>> _designed_ this member to be visible elsewhere inside the file," then 
> >>> it's actually meaningful. OTOH, if I see `fileprivate` and can only 
> >>> deduce "gee, the author mashed some button in his or her IDE," then it's 
> >>> not really telling me anything.
> >>
> >>
> >> You’re looking at it backward.  It’s when you see `private` and can deduce 
> >> “this member is only visible inside it’s declaring scope” that can be 
> >> really helpful.  *This* is what matters.
> >>
> >> In what ways can that information help you?
> >>
> >>
> >>> What you've said above, as I understand it, is that it's not currently 
> >>> meaningful to see `fileprivate` because the migrator is writing it and 
> >>> not the author. The improved approach you proposed is the additional 
> >>> warning. In that case, the compiler will help to ensure that when I see 
> >>> `fileprivate`, at least I know it's necessary. But that's only telling me 
> >>> a fact (this member is accessed at least once outside the private scope), 
> >>> but it's still machine-based bookkeeping, not authorial intent.
> >>
> >>
> >> The important thing is that this machine-based bookkeeping results in a 
> >> proof about the code.  This facilitates reasoning about the code.  You can 
> >> make an argument that this proof is not important enough to matter, but 
> >> you must admit that this is a real concrete gain in information that is 
> >> immediately available to a reader of the code (after they know that it 
> >> compiles).  Personally, I find this proof to be valuable.
> >>
> >> Comparison has been made to `let` and `var`. In that case, whether a 
> >> variable is mutated can be non-trivial to deduce (as Swift has no uniform 
> >> scheme for distinguishing mutating from non-mutating functions; the ed/ing 
> >> rule has many exceptions). By contrast, here, I don't see any gain in 
> >> information. You can literally *see* where the (file)private member is 
> >> accessed, and when a file gets too long, even a simple text editor can do 
> >> a decent enough find.
> >>
> >> If you're right that the real value is that seeing `private` helps you 
> >> reason about the code, then that value must be commensurate to how often 
> >> we see Swift users amending the migrator to take advantage of it. For me, 
> >> the compelling evidence that Swift users don't find this proof to be 
> >> valuable is that, by examination of Swift 3 code, Swift users haven't 
> >> bothered. If we add a new fix-it to force them to, then of course they'll 
> >> mash the buttons, but it's pretty much declaring that they are wrong not 
> >> to care about what it seems they do not care at present.
> >>
> >>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Chris Lattner <sa...@nondot.org> wrote:
> >>> I don't fully agree: you are right that that is the case when writing 
> >>> code.  However, when reading/maintaining code, the distinction is 
> >>> meaningful and potentially important.
> >>>
> >>> -Chris
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Feb 12, 2017, at 12:02 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> If the overwhelming use case is that developers should pick one over the 
> >>>> other primarily because it looks nicer, then blindly click the fix-it 
> >>>> when things stop working, then the distinction between private and 
> >>>> fileprivate is pretty clearly a mere nuisance that doesn't carry its own 
> >>>> weight.
> >>>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 13:33 Jean-Daniel via swift-evolution 
> >>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> >>>>> Le 12 févr. 2017 à 18:24, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> >>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Feb 12, 2017, at 8:19 AM, David Hart via swift-evolution 
> >>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> >>>>>> Final
> >>>>>> Can someone tell me what is the use of 'final' now that we have 
> >>>>>> 'public' default to disallowing subclassing in importing modules? I 
> >>>>>> know that 'final' has the added constraint of disallowing subclassing 
> >>>>>> in the same module, but how useful is that? Does it hold its weight? 
> >>>>>> Would we add it now if it did not exist?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> As Matthew says, this is still important.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Lazy
> >>>>>> This one is clearer: if Joe Groff's property behaviors proposal from 
> >>>>>> last year is brought forward again, lazy can be demoted from a 
> >>>>>> language keyword to a Standard Library property behavior. If Joe or 
> >>>>>> anybody from the core team sees this: do we have any luck of having 
> >>>>>> this awesome feature we discussed/designed/implemented in the Swift 4 
> >>>>>> timeframe?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Sadly, there is no chance to get property behaviors into Swift 4.  
> >>>>> Hopefully Swift 5, but it’s impossible to say right now.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Fileprivate
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I started the discussion early during the Swift 4 timeframe that I 
> >>>>>> regret the change in Swift 3 which introduced a scoped private 
> >>>>>> keyword. For me, it's not worth the increase in complexity in access 
> >>>>>> modifiers. I was very happy with the file-scope of Swift pre-3. When 
> >>>>>> discussing that, Chris Latner mentioned we'd have to wait for Phase 2 
> >>>>>> to re-discuss it and also show proof that people mostly used 
> >>>>>> 'fileprivate' and not the new 'private' modifier as proof if we want 
> >>>>>> the proposal to have any weight. Does anybody have a good idea for 
> >>>>>> compiling stats from GitHub on this subject? First of all, I've always 
> >>>>>> found the GitHub Search quite bad and don't know how much it can be 
> >>>>>> trusted. Secondly, because 'private' in Swift 2 and 3 have different 
> >>>>>> meanings, a simple textual search might get us wrong results if we 
> >>>>>> don't find a way to filter on Swift 3 code.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I would still like to re-evaluate fileprivate based on information in 
> >>>>> the field.  The theory of the SE-0025 
> >>>>> (https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0025-scoped-access-level.md)
> >>>>>  was that the fileprivate keyword would be used infrequently: this 
> >>>>> means that it would uglify very little code and when it occurred, it 
> >>>>> would carry meaning and significance.
> >>>>
> >>>> Infrequent use and significance are orthogonal.
> >>>> I still think developers would declare all ivars private (this is less 
> >>>> ugly and shorter), and then will happily convert them to fileprivate 
> >>>> each time the compiler will tell them they are not accessible somewhere 
> >>>> else in the file.
> >>>> As the code that try to access that ivar is in the same file anyway, it 
> >>>> has full knowledge of the implementation details and there is no good 
> >>>> reason it shouldn’t be able to access the ivar when needed.
> >>>>
> >>>>> We have a problem with evaluating that theory though: the Swift 2->3 
> >>>>> migrator mechanically changed all instances of private into 
> >>>>> fileprivate.  This uglified a ton of code unnecessarily and (even 
> >>>>> worse) lead programmers to think they should use fileprivate 
> >>>>> everywhere.  Because of this, it is hard to look at a random Swift 3 
> >>>>> codebase and determine whether SE-0025 is working out as intended.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The best way out of this that I can think of is to add a *warning* to 
> >>>>> the Swift 3.1 or 4 compiler which detects uses of fileprivate that can 
> >>>>> be tightened to “private” and provide a fixit to do the change.  This 
> >>>>> would be similar to how we suggest changing ‘var’ into ‘let’ where 
> >>>>> possible.  Over time, this would have the effect of getting us back to 
> >>>>> the world we intended in SE-0025.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -Chris
> >>>>>
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