> On Feb 16, 2017, at 4:28 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
> As I have said elsewhere, I think the mental anguish mostly derives from the 
> fact that scoped private is not the right “default” in a language that uses 
> extensions pervasively.  Chris’s suggestion of having private mean “same file 
> *and* same type” would be a good default.  But if we’re not willing to *also* 
> have fileprivate then the Swift 2 definition of private is the best 
> “default’.  
> I still think scoped access control is valuable but taking `private` as the 
> keyword for this was a mistake.  I’d like to see us take another stab at 
> identifying a suitable name for it.  That said, I get the feeling that not 
> too many others have appetite for this so it may be a lost cause…

My opinion is that a file level grouping is fine, but that people want a level 
between that and internal. They want to have subsystems. In Swift 2, the only 
level below framework-wide was the fileprivate-style scope, which had the 
potential to encourage lots of interrelated code to be grouped within a single 
source file. 


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