> On Feb 17, 2017, at 08:21, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I haven’t yet read all the feedback in this topic but I’d like to throw some 
> bikeshedding of mine into the room. :)
> How about this?
> Version 1: func(pure) …
> Version 2: func label(…) ~> ReturnType
Version 2 is going to upset those who use "~>" as an operator.

As the # of possible attributes grows, having an obvious grouping mechanism for 
them, like version 1, might be worthwhile simply to help make the list clearer. 
What about allowing "@(list, of, attributes)" instead of "@list, @of, 

- Dave Sweeris
swift-evolution mailing list

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