> On Feb 16, 2017, at 10:17 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@nondot.org> wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2017, at 4:18 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Deferring ABI Stability from Swift 4
>> Given the importance of getting the core ABI and the related fundamentals 
>> correct, we are going to defer the declaration of ABI stability out of Swift 
>> 4 while still focusing the majority of effort to get to the point where the 
>> ABI can be declared stable.
> Given where we are in the yearly schedule, I think that this is a pragmatic 
> decision.  ABI stability is far more important to Apple than it is to most 
> developers, so I’m happy to see that you’re prioritizing the needs of the 
> community (improved compile time, compiler stability, etc), particularly 
> given the importance of doing the right thing for the long term success of 
> Swift.
> Beyond that, I agree that it is prudent to continue work on the many ABI 
> stability tasks despite it not being a goal for Swift 4.  Given the 
> significance of declaring ABI stability, it would be great to get these tasks 
> really nailed down early in the Swift 5 schedule so you have time to bake it 
> out.

Absolutely — giving time for these changes to bake to make sure we did not miss 
anything is essential part of keeping the focus in Swift 4 on core ABI 
stability tasks (and other language fundamentals that impact ABI and source 
stability).  That thinking went into the scoping of stage 2.

> Do you have any idea what the typical download size impact of the Swift 4 
> libraries will be on the ARM64 slice of a typical iOS app?  I know that many 
> of the ABI-related optimizations also contribute to a significant code size 
> improvement, but don’t know how folks expect that to net out.  Do you think 
> that it is plausible to get the overlays coalesced with the stdlib into a 
> single dylib, improving app launch times?

This is an interesting idea, but off-topic for swift-evolution.  A better place 
to discuss this is swift-dev.

That said, there are tradeoffs here: creating a single dylib slightly 
complicates the long-term goal of sinking the overlay APIs back into the OS, 
and the number of overlays is not guaranteed to remain fixed so the tradeoffs 
of creating a single dylib versus multiple are nuanced.  The focus has been on 
the ABI-related optimizations, such as reducing the size of mangled symbols, 
which are tasks that absolutely need to be done before ABI stability.
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