I definitely find the intent here to be an interesting view at performant 
collection operations; in Foundation we have exposed IndexSet to do this type 
of thing.  When Foundation migrated to structural types it was really obvious 
to make IndexSet a structure - it was a logical change because it already was 
used as that concept in the Objective-C APIs. One of it’s biggest features is 
that it interoperates with NSArray/NSMutableArray which unfortunately it does 
not operate upon Array/Collection etc as of current. But there are APIs like 
UI/NS CollectionView that some of the primitive interoperation is based upon 
IndexSet which mirror NSArray/NSMutableArray making modeling really nice. As of 
current Swift is lacking some of those handy parallels. The IndexSet type has 
been used across many APIs in the SDK (as well as third party code). I wonder 
if it would be reasonable to sink an encapsulation type of the collection of 
ranges (as an efficient store) down and make it generic for the Index type. 
That way we would have a cohesive story when it comes to interoperation with 
on-going improvements that might happen in UIKit/AppKit/Foundation etc where 
the changes like this would interoperate well.

There are also a few other methods that I think might be worth investigating; 

non mutation
Fetching elements out of a collection given a sequence of ranges.
Fetching a sequence of ranges where a predicate matches elements (and perhaps 
even a sequence of ranges as a constraint upon that predicate)

Inserting a sequence of elements into the collection at indexes defined by a 
sequence of ranges
Replacing elements at indexes defined by a sequence of ranges with elements 
from a sequence

If we modified IndexSet to be generic (and perhaps moved it further down to 
interoperate with collection) I am certain that this would work really well 
with the already established APIs we have (just making bridged NSIndexSets 
really a IndexSet<Int> ). However this would mean that we would need some sort 
of way of indicating types were “Countable” which might be a decent addendum to 
the collection protocol cluster.

I think that overall these APIs have worked nicely with other counterparts 
(perhaps with a slight caveat of the matching of replacement counts and index 
counts). Additionally I am quite certain that having an encapsulating efficient 
storage for a sequence of ranges can allow for some really nice performance 
improvements and getting the performance point right is not always easy or 
obvious; so having the higher level APIs to handle these can not only be easier 
for the developer but also offer some really great performance optimizations 

I have already tinkered with the idea of using IndexSet on Data and it is 
amazing; I can easily write really complex parsers for doing awful things like 
parsing mach-o headers from executables or other such things. I have also 
tinkered with the idea of making a slice type that is a sparse slice (it breaks 
some other assumptions of how collections work) and that works pretty nicely 
too (I think that should be a further discussion and this is probably not the 
time to introduce that idea just yet).

Hope that gives somethings to chew on from a frameworks perspective.

Philippe Hausler

> On Feb 16, 2017, at 4:39 PM, Ben Cohen via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi swift-evolution,
> Following up on Ted’s post regarding the opening up of stage 2, I’m starting 
> a thread to discuss additive algorithms for Sequence and Collection.
> Here is a list of commonly requested algorithms to operate on Sequence or 
> Collection:
> In-place transformations:
> transform elements in a MutableCollection using a closure i.e. in-place map
> remove(where:) that takes a predicate i.e. in-place filter
> remove(indices:) that takes a Sequence of Index
> bulk operations (replace, remove, insert) on RangeReplaceableCollection for a 
> Sequence of subranges
> Sorting:
> change sort/sorted/partition to be stable
> possibly add an explicitly unstable sort
> provide partial sorting i.e. the _n_th lowest element of a sequence
> Select a random element of a RandomAccessCollection (note this could include 
> a random element of 0..<n)
> Check if all elements in a Sequence match a predicate (i.e. 
> !contains(!predicate))
> reduce with an inout argument for the running value (PR for proposal here: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/587 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/587>)
> cycle – repeat a collection over and over.
> scan/accumulate/reductions/some other spelling of a reduce that returns the 
> running values (previously proposed: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0045-scan-takewhile-dropwhile.md
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0045-scan-takewhile-dropwhile.md>)
> rotation of elements in a collection (deferred proposal: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0078-rotate-algorithm.md
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0078-rotate-algorithm.md>)
> Please reply here with any comments or questions on the above list, or any 
> additions you believe are important that are missing from it.
> As this focus area is larger in scope than Dictionary, it is likely that it 
> will need to be broken up into multiple separate proposals. The plan is to 
> get an initial high-level signal from this thread on which areas to put focus 
> on. We are also looking for volunteers to put together proposals and 
> implementations – if you're interested in helping with that, please email me 
> off-list. High quality community implementations will significantly improve 
> the chances of a feature making it into Swift 4. Smaller, more focussed 
> proposals are also more likely to make it than larger ones.
> All methods added to the standard library increase complexity, so need a 
> strong justification to reduce the risk of API sprawl. When requesting 
> additions/modifications, please keep the following questions in mind:
> Is the suggested addition a common operation that many would find useful? Can 
> it be flexible enough to cover different needs?
> Will it encourage good practice? Might it be misused or encourage 
> anti-patterns?
> Can the operation be composed simply from existing std lib features? Is that 
> composition intuitive/readable? 
> Is writing the equivalent by hand hard to get right? Are there common 
> correctness traps that this addition would help avoid?
> Is writing the equivalent by hand hard to make efficient? Are there common 
> performance traps that this addition would help avoid?
> Might a native implementation be able to execute more efficiently, by 
> accessing internals, than the equivalent implementation using public APIs?
> Thanks!
> Ben
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