> On Feb 18, 2017, at 13:12, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 3:01 PM, David Sweeris <daveswee...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 12:41 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> ## Source compatibility
>>> This proposal breaks source compatibility, but in a way that allows for a 
>>> simple mechanical migration.  A multi-release stratgegy will be used to 
>>> roll out this proposal to provide maximum possible source compatibility 
>>> from one release to the next.
>>> 1. In Swift 4, introduce the `open` keyword and the `@nonopen` attribute 
>>> (which can be applied to `public protocol` to give it the new semantics of 
>>> `public`).
>>> 2. In Swift 4 (or 4.1 if necessary) start warning for `public protocol` 
>>> with no annotation.
>>> 3. In the subsequent release `public protocol` without annotation becomes 
>>> an error.
>>> 4. In the subsequent relase `public protocol` without annotation takes on 
>>> the new semantics.
>>> 5. `@nonopen` becomes a warning, and evenutally an erro as soon as we are 
>>> comfortable making those changes.
>> I don’t think we need @nonopen or warnings. IMHO, public/open should have 
>> the same semantics and syntax regardless of whether the declaration is a 
>> protocol or a concrete type (or a property?).
>> Other than that nit, I can’t think of a reason to oppose this. So… +1, 
>> because I like making things as consistent as possible (also because of the 
>> reasons in the motivation).
> The purpose of using `@nonopen` for the migration is to eventually break 
> people’s code if they don’t use the migrator and don’t annotate it.  If we 
> don’t do that the library may ship a version that unintentionally breaks 
> their clients (by continuing to use `public` after its meaning has changed).  
> It’s better to break the library before it breaks any clients.  That will 
> impact many fewer developers.  This can be handled automatically by the 
> migrator and will be a relatively minor inconvenience for developers who 
> don’t use it.  That’s better than allowing an accidentally bad version of a 
> library from shipping.

Do we need it for types? "@nonopen public class Foo {...}"?

(Serious question... I don't recall if we did this phased thing for open vs 
public types)

- Dave Sweeris
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