> On Feb 19, 2017, at 2:16 PM, Anton Zhilin <antonyzhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-02-19 22:59 GMT+03:00 Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com 
> <mailto:matt...@anandabits.com>>:
>> On Feb 19, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Anton Zhilin <antonyzhi...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:antonyzhi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Now that I think about it, generic throws does not exactly cover rethrows.
>> Firstly, rethrows has semantic information that function itself does not 
>> throw—it would be lost.
> Can you elaborate further on what you mean by this?
> protocol Default { init() }
> func exec(f: () throws -> Void) rethrows
> {
>     try f()
>     throw MyError()  // error because of rethrows
> }
> func exec<E>(f: () throws(E) -> Void) throws(E)
>      where E: Error & Default
> {
>     try f()
>     throw E()  // okay
> }

Thanks.  There is nothing wrong with this at all.  Your second `exec` would not 
accept a non-throwing function because `Never` cannot conform to `Default`.  If 
it didn’t include the `Default` constraint it would not be able to `throw E()`. 

If you remove the `Default` constraint and change `throws(E)` to `throws`, and 
throw `MyError()` in place of `E()` in both places then it behaves exactly as 
the first example. We don’t lose any expressivity at all.

This is actually an example of a strength of Joe’s suggestion: the second 
`exec` is able to throw an error of a type that matches the error that might be 
thrown by the calling argument `f`.  I’m not sure of where this might be useful 
but it is definitely not possible with `rethrows` while it is possible with 
Joe’s proposal.  We have more flexibility in API design under Joe’s proposal.

You did make a great point about coalescing error types from several different 
function arguments.  That’s an edge case, but the inability to coalesce is 
indeed a problem that probably needs to be addressed by the typed throws 
proposal in one way or another (if we don’t go with Joe’s suggestion we would 
need to specify how `rethrows` behaves in cases like this in some detail).

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