Hi All,

I’m coding for section like data structure. 
For example:

I have an Album struct, which has many MediaItems.
It has a sectioned property called "sectionedMediaItemInfos", which is an array 
of sections.
Each section represents for a disc, and has an "items" array contains all 
MedaItems in that disc.

The define code is like:

public struct Album {
    public let sectionedMediaItemInfos: [Sectioned<MediaItemInfo>]?

public struct Sectioned<Item> : SectionProtocol {
    public let title: String?
    public let items: [Item]
    public init() {
        items = []
        title = nil

public protocol SectionProtocol {
    associatedtype SectionItemType
    var items: [SectionItemType] { get }

Now I want to define some extra properties for sections array, like
"sectionMediaItemInfos"."itemsCount" that count all items in each sections.
So I can write that extension:

public extension Array where Element : SectionProtocol {
    var itemsCount: Int {
        return reduce(0) { (result, section) in result + section.items.count }


So I can get my itemsCount with code like:


That looks good.

Then I want to define code to return all items in this sectioned property.

public extension Array where Element : SectionProtocol {
    var items: [SectionProtocol.SectionItemType] {
        return .flatMap { $0.items }

This doesn’t work. It reported as "Cannot use associated type 'SectionItemType' 
outside of its protocol"

The only way to achieve my goals is to untyped the extended "items" property:

public extension Array where Element : SectionProtocol {
    var items: [Any] {
        return self.flatMap { $0.items }

Which is not perfect for this case.

So in this special case, I think allow use associated type outside of its 
protocol is necessary.

And we may allow define protocol with generic type. That would be more 

public struct Album {
    public let sectionedMediaItemInfos: [Sectioned<MediaItemInfo>]?

public struct Sectioned<Item> : SectionProtocol {
    public let title: String?
    public let items: [Item]
    public init() {
        items = []
        title = nil

public protocol SectionProtocol<SectionItemType> {
    var items: [SectionItemType] { get }

public extension Array where Element : SectionProtocol {
    var items: [Element.SectionItemType] {
        return self.flatMap { $0.items }


Thank all!


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