> On Feb 19, 2017, at 1:00 AM, Rien via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Its Sunday, time for some reflection...
> One of the big plusses of Objective-C was that the entire manual was just a 
> few pages long. I have not looked it up, but IIRC the entire manual 
> describing the language was probably less than 50 pages. Much less if you 
> subtract the filler stuff.

If you add the size of the C specification, Objective-C is actually a very 
large language, with all kinds of quirks and undefined behavior. Most people 
coming to Objective-C already have some familiarity with C-like languages 
though, so I think this aspect is forgotten sometimes.

> I have been on this list now for a few weeks, and I see very little push-back 
> on new suggestions. Most of the reactions are positive-constructive. IMO we 
> need more push-back. Without it behemoth status is all but guaranteed.
> I don’t know about the core team, I don’t know about Apple, I don’t know 
> where they want to go.

I think it is good and healthy that all kinds of outlandish ideas get discussed 
on this list; even if they never end up getting implemented — the discussions 
further mutual understanding and inspire better ideas in the future. It 
wouldn’t be productive for us to just unilaterally shut down such discussions.

Remember there’s a long road from “pitching an idea” to “core team accepts a 
proposal”. The bar for proposals accepted into Swift 4 is considerably higher; 
think of it as, “without this proposal, the language is fundamentally broken 
for an important use-case”.

Also I think one important quality of the Swift design is “progressive 
disclosure”. There are some advanced features, but they are layered on in such 
a way that one does not need to absorb most of them in order to be productive 
in the language. They can be learned over time. This is unlike, say, C++, where 
a lot of complexity has to be understood up-front before you can really write 
good modern C++.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing if a well-designed language with advanced 
features and a large standard library has a big manual.

> I just want to make a plea here: Please stop Swift from becoming a behemoth.

As someone who admires small languages like Scheme, Smalltalk, Forth and ML, I 
can assure you that your point of view has its proponents here ;-) And I think 
the core team has very good taste when it comes to these things as well.


> I don’t know if the millions (?) of Swift developers not on this list agree 
> with me. I somehow think they do, after all they are not on this list! They 
> are not looking to change Swift...
> Well, I just had to get that off my chest...
> To close this off, I do want to take this opportunity to thank the core team 
> for their work, I truly appreciate it!
> And whatever may come, here is one happy Swift user!
> Best regards,
> Rien
> Site: http://balancingrock.nl
> Blog: http://swiftrien.blogspot.com
> Github: http://github.com/Balancingrock
> Project: http://swiftfire.nl
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