> On Feb 20, 2017, at 10:44 PM, Dimitri Racordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> We believe this use case is rare and not worth the additional complexity of 
> having an `open` access level in the language.
> Besides, `open` is only applicable on classes and class members while the 
> others can be used on other entities (protocols, structures, ...).
> This asymmetry adds to the complexity of an `open` access level.

Really? Three sentences presenting an unsupported opinion?

SE-0117[1], which proposed the `open` access modifier, spent approximately 
1,080 words explaining why adding `open` was a good idea. If you are serious 
about removing `open`, I would strongly suggest you read that explanation and 
prepare a similarly well-reasoned and well-supported explanation of why you 
think removing `open` is a good idea.


Brent Royal-Gordon

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