> On Dec 23, 2016, at 12:32 PM, David Sweeris via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> (I feel like I’ve already written this... I looked through my sent mail and 
> didn’t see anything, but my sincerest apologies if I started this thread a 
> month ago and forgot about it or something.)
> I no longer recall exactly what first made me want to do this (probably 
> something in my on-going “teach the compiler calculus” project), but I’ve 
> been thinking lately that it could be quite handy to overload types 
> themselves based on the value of generic parameters. As a somewhat contrived 
> example:
> struct Array <T> { /*everything exactly as it is now*/ }
> struct Array <T> where T == Bool { /* packs every 8 bools into a UInt8 for 
> more efficient storage */ }
> We can already do this with functions… Conceptually this isn’t any different.

Actually this is a major complication because of the runtime generics model. 
Imagine you have a function that takes a T and constructs an Array<T>. Now it 
has to do dynamic dispatch to find the right type metadata (is it the “generic” 
Array<T>, or the specialized Array<Bool>?)

> As long as the specific version exposes everything the generic version does 
> (easy for the compiler to enforce), I think everything would just work 
> (famous last words).

What if another module defines an extension of Array<T>, but not ‘Array<T> 
where T == Bool’?

> In this example, the subscript function would need to extract the specified 
> bit and return it as a Bool instead of simply returning the specified 
> element. The `Element` typealias would be `Bool` instead of `UInt8`, which 
> would mean the size/stride might be different than expected (but that’s why 
> we have `MemoryLayout<>`).
> Anyway, because generic structs & functions already can’t make assumptions 
> about a generic argument (beyond any constraints, of course), I think this 
> should be in phase 2… but I’m quite hazy on how generics work once the code’s 
> been compiled, so maybe not.

Another way of modeling this might be to define a protocol, say 
“RepresentableInArray”, which implements get and set methods that take a 
pointer to a buffer, and an index. A default implementation in a protocol 
extension would just load and store the value. ‘Bool’ would define its own 
conformance which performs bitwise operations.

However I think this is out of scope for stage 2 — it doesn’t fix any obvious 
major shortcoming in the language, it vastly complicates the implementation and 
it’s not required to achieve our ABI stability goals.


> - Dave Sweeris
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