> On Mar 3, 2017, at 9:24 AM, Karim Nassar via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I’ve read through the last couple of Swift (sub)Module proposals put forward, 
> and since my particular use-cases for a sub-module solution seemed to be 
> under-served by them, I’ve decided to write up my thoughts on the matter to 
> prompt discussion. 
> Perhaps my use-cases are outliers, and my approach will be deemed naive by 
> the community… I’m happy to learn better ways of doing things in Swift, and 
> welcome any thoughts, criticism, or illumination related to these ideas.
> I’m including the write-up below, but it’s also available as a gist: 
> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9806f4274f1e13860670d6e059be5dce
> —
> # Sub-modules
> A sub-module solution in Swift should have the following properties:
> * Extremely light-weight
> * Low API surface area
> * Adopt progressive disclosure
> * Integrate with Access Control features to enable a level of encapsulation & 
> hiding between the Module and File level
> * Be permeable when desired
> ## Discussion
> As we get deeper into building real applications & frameworks with Swift, we 
> begin to realize that having a way to express relationships between types is 
> desireable.  Currently, Swift only allows us to express these relationships 
> at two levels, the Module and the File. 
> The Module boundary is acceptable for small, focused frameworks, while the 
> File boundary is acceptable for small, focused Types, but both levels can be 
> unweildy when dealing with certain cases where a cluster of internally 
> related types needs to know about each other but may only want to publish a 
> narrow set of APIs to the surrounding code, or in large complex applications 
> which are necessarily structured as a single Module. In these cases, we wind 
> up with large monolithic Modules or (even worse) large monolithic Files.
> I have seen this proliferation of Huge Sprawling Files (HSFs) in my own code, 
> and seek a way to combat this rising tide.
> ## Goals 
> It is a goal of this proposal to:
> * Suggest a mechanism for organizing code between the Module and File levels 
> that is as lightweight and low-friction as possible
> * Provide mechanisms for authors to create both "hard" and "soft" API 
> boundaries between the Module and File levels of their code
> ## Anti-Goals
> It is not a goal of this proposal to:
> * Move Swift away from filesystem-based organization
> * Significantly alter the current Access Control philosophy of Swift
> ## Proposal Notes
> Please take the following proposal wholely as a Straw-Man... I would be 
> equally satisfied with any solution which meets the critera described at the 
> top of this document.
> Unless specified otherwise, all spellings proposed below are to be considered 
> straw-men, and merely illustrative of the concepts.
> ## Proposed Solution
> Two things are clear to me after using Swift and following the Swift 
> Evolution list since their respective publications:
> 1. Swift has a preference for file-based organization
> 2. Vocal Swift Users dislike `fileprivate` and want to revert to Swift2-style 
> `private`
> Because of #1, this proposal does not seek to change Swift's inherent 
> file-system organization, and instead will expand on it.
> Since I personally fall into the camp described by #2, and most of the 
> community response to this has been "Lets wait to deal with that until 
> sub-modules", I'm making this proposal assuming that solving that quagmire is 
> in-scope for this propsoal.
> ### Changes to Access Control Modifiers
> As part of this proposal, I suggest the following changes to Swift 3's Access 
> Control modifiers:
> * Revert `private` to Swift 2's meaning: "hidden outside the file"
> * Remove `fileprivate` as redundant
> This is potentially a source-breaking change. However, it is interesting to 
> note that this change is **not** required for the following proposal to 
> function.
> Changes that *are* necessary are:
> * Change the spelling of `internal` to `module` (making `module` the new 
> default)
> * Introduce a new modifier `internal` to mean "Internal to the current 
> sub-module and its child-sub-modules”

Can you give concrete examples of use cases where a descendent submodule needs 
access to symbols declared by an ancestor?  I gave some thought to this when 
drafting my proposal and came to the conclusion that this runs against the 
grain of layering and is likely to be a bad idea in practice.  If there are use 
cases I didn’t consider I am very interested in learning about them.

> These changes are *not* source-breaking because the new `internal` modifier 
> acts exactly as the old `internal` modifier unless it is used within a 
> sub-module. The specific spelling of this new `internal` modifier is 
> necessary to maintain backwards source compatibility.
> The new `module` modifier allows authors to make APIs permeable between 
> sub-modules while still hidden outside the owning Module if desired.
> All other Access Control modifiers behave the same as they currently do 
> irrespective of sub-module boundaries, so:
> * `public` => Visible outside the Module
> * `open` => Sub-classable outside the Module
> ### Making a Sub-module
> To create a sub-module within a Module (or sub-module) is simple: The author 
> creates a directory, and places a "sub-module declaration file" within the 
> directory:
> ```
> //  __submodule.swift

Why the double underscore prefix?  To make it sort to the top in a file browser?

Is this file allowed to have any Swift code?  Or is it limited to 
submodule-related declarations only?  If the latter, why not use an extension 
such as `.submodule` or `.swiftmodule` to differentiate it from ordinary Swift 
files and allow the submodule to be named by the name of this file?

> //  MyModule
> submodule SubA
> ```
> Then any files within that directory are part of the sub-module:
> ```
> //  Foo.swift
> //  MyModule.SubA
> struct Foo {
>    private var mine: Bool
>    internal var sub: Bool
>    module var mod: Bool
> }
> public struct Bar {
>    module var mod: Bool
>    public var pub: Bool
> }
> ```
> This creates a sub-module called "SubA" within the module "MyModule". All 
> files within the directory in which this file appears are understood to be 
> contained by this sub-module.
> If in the future we choose to add additional complexity (versioning, 
> #availability, etc) to the sub-module syntax, the sub-module declaration 
> gives a natural home for this configuration.
> It's important to note some benefits of this approach:
> * Using the "special file" means that not all Directories are automatically 
> submodules
> * Any given source file may only be a member of 1 submodule at a time
> * Use of filesystem structure to denote sub-modules plays nicely with source 
> control
> * The sub-module structure is instantly clear whether using an IDE (which can 
> be taught to parse the `__submodule.swift` files to decorate the UI), or 
> simple text-editor (assuming a convention of naming the Directory the same as 
> the sub-module, which is a linter problem)

If we’re going to use the file system to organize submodules this seems like a 
reasonable approach.  It allows larger submodules to have folder hierarchies 
within them and also creates a central location for submodule-related 

A primary flaw I see in this approach is that Xcode is the dominant IDE for 
Swift and the way Xcode handles files is not conducive to file-system 
organization.  I really detest the way Xcode handles this and would vastly 
prefer that it simply reflected the physical file system hierarchy but I don’t 
think that will change any time soon.  On the other hand maybe a file system 
based submodule system in Swift would motivate the Xcode team to better reflect 
the physical file system organization.

> ### Using Sub-modules
> Referencing a sub-module should be natural and clear at this point:
> #### From Within the Parent Module/Sub-module
> Sub-modules are simply code-organization & namespacing tools within modules. 
> As such, when referenced from within their parent Module, there is no need 
> for `import`s
> ```
> //  in MyModule
> let foo = SubA.Foo()
> foo.mine = true // Compiler error because it's private
> foo.sub = true  // Compiler error because it's internal to the sub-module
> foo.mod = true  // OK
> ```
> #### From Outside the Parent Module/Sub-module
> When referenced from outside their parent Module, one imports the whole 
> module in the standard way:
> ```
> import MyModule
> let foo = SubA.Foo() // Compiler error because it's internal to the Module
> let bar = SubA.Bar() // OK
> bar.mod = true  // Compiler error because it's internal to the Module
> bar.pub = true  // OK
> ```
> ## What this Proposal Deliberately Omits
> This proposal deliberately omits several concepts which may be integral to 
> various use-cases for sub-modules, primarily because they can be treated as 
> purely additive concepts and I don't wish to weigh down the consideration of 
> the overall approach with a larger API surface area that might be debated 
> separately. I.e: Keep it as small as possible for now, then if it's any good, 
> iterate on the design.
> ### Inter-Sub-Module Access Control
> One might ask given a sub-module structure like:
> ```
> MyModule
>  |
>  +--- SubA
>        |
>        +--- SubB
> ```
> "How can SubB hide properties from MyModule without hiding them from SubA?"
> This is a valid question, and not answered by this proposal for two reasons:
> * This trivial case could be solved by simply adding a new modifier 
> `submodule` if we so desired, but:
> * In the absence of any direct response, the status-quo provides a 
> work-around: Omit the sub-sub-module structure and use the file-access 
> constraints of `private`
> * This overall problem probably should be solved by addressing larger 
> questions in the Access Control scheme of Swift, irrespective of the 
> sub-module mechanism
> ### Expressiveness of Sub-module Imports
> One might ask: "Why can't I import only a specific sub-module or alias a 
> sub-module?"
> I have ignored this aspect of submodules because the question of `import` 
> expressiveness is a separate issue in my mind. The fact that we cannot say:
> ```
> import MyModule as Foo
> ```
> Has no relationship to the lack of sub-modules in Swift. 
> If the community deems it an important enough use-case to warrant altering 
> import behavior, so be it, but that can be treated as purely additive to this 
> proposal.
> But it should be understood that this approach to sub-modules is not designed 
> to provide an expressive "exports" capability. It is primarily interested in 
> organizing code *within* a Module
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