Hi Ankit,

I like the proposal very much. One question about SystemPackageProvider:

Sometimes it's neccessary to pass options to brew or apt-get, for example:
brew install libxml2 --with-python

Should they be added to package name or have a separate field? Adding the field 
in the future will break compatibility.

let package = Package(
    providers: [
        .brew(["libxml2 --with-python"]),

Another thing which comes to mind is a human-readable description field which 
could be helpful in some situations. I.e. "don't forget to generate a private 
key by running XXX". I think of something like this:

let package = Package(
    providers: [
          SystemPackage(name: "libxml2", options: "--with-python", description: 


> On 14 Mar 2017, at 19:29, Rick Ballard via swift-build-dev 
> <swift-build-...@swift.org> wrote:
> Proposal link:
> >  
> > https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0158-package-manager-manifest-api-redesign.md
> >  
> > <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0158-package-manager-manifest-api-redesign.md>
> Thanks for this feedback. We'll revise it to "from:".
> Since we're still making minor revisions to this proposal, I'm going to 
> extend the review period by another day to make sure we don't have any other 
> important feedback pending.
>       - Rick
>> On Mar 14, 2017, at 12:28 AM, David Hart <da...@hartbit.com 
>> <mailto:da...@hartbit.com>> wrote:
>> Yep, after does sound confusing. I prefer from.
>>> On 14 Mar 2017, at 08:22, Ankit Aggarwal via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> – Dave Sweeris' point about this reading wrong in English as 
>>>> .upToNextMajor("x.y.z") (vs. of "x.y.z".upToNextMajor) makes sense to us 
>>>> too. As a result, we're going to clarify this by changing it to 
>>>> .upToNextMajor(after:"x.y.z") and .upToNextMinor(after:"x.y.z").
>>> The "after" in .upToNextMajor(after: "x.y.z") sounds like we're going to 
>>> pick the version after `x.y.z`, for e.g. `x.y.(z+1)`, and go upto the next 
>>> major version. I think we should use `from` instead of `after`, which is 
>>> more clear IMO. It also feels like `after` and `from` (in shorthand) do 
>>> different things, and if we use `form`, it will also be reasonable to 
>>> assume that the `.package(url:from:)` is a shorthand form.
>>> - Ankit
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