Adding write reflection to the existing Mirrors implementation should not be 
too difficult and we would accept a well-written PR that adds this capability.


> On Mar 15, 2017, at 8:10 AM, Dimitri Racordon via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Hello fellow evolutionists,
> I’d like to ask if someone knows about the current state of affairs of the 
> evolution of the reflection API in Swift.
> I read it was (or at least used to be) in the scope of Swift 4 to improve on 
> the current capabilities, but failed to see any proposal in that direction 
> since then. I found this evolution post 
> (
> <>)
>  from quite a while ago, and would like to know if anything progressed since 
> then.
> As a domain specific languages designer, reflection is an essential feature 
> for me. Unfortunately I think Swift is quite behind regarding that point. 
> Most specifically, the inability to set properties discovered from a mirror 
> (without resorting to the black magic of unsafe pointers) has a huge impact 
> on the simplicity of embedded DSLs.
> Thanks,
> Dimitri Racordon
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