> On 27 Mar 2017, at 16:46, Steven Knodl via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Late to the party here 
> * What is your evaluation of the proposal?
> I’m -1 on this.  The proposal is not a difficult read, but may have been 
> simply more simply named “Remove Scoped Access Level/Revert SE-0025” as that 
> is what is being proposed. “Fix” seems to me to be a unfortunately worded 
> judgmental proposal title.
> * Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change?
> No.  I consider myself to be a fairly “new/n00b” Obj-C/Swift developer. 
> Although SE-0025 was a change that required source changes when implemented, 
> the reasoning was not difficult to understand and changes were simple to make 
> once identified.   Here they are from SE-0025
>       • public: symbol visible outside the current module
>       • internal: symbol visible within the current module
>       • fileprivate: symbol visible within the current file
>       • private: symbol visible within the current declaration
> Moving forward these changes are not difficult to comprehend.  I tend to make 
> _everything_ “private” up front so I don’t have any API leakage.  Then dial 
> back to “fileprivate” as needed.  It’s not difficult for me I guess.

Right. I do that myself more than I would like to admit.
But when we only loosen up/tighten down during coding then access levels are 
almost useless.
The point of access level control is in the design, not in the coding.
If we made a design (including access levels) and then have to dial back, that 
should be a warning that something is wrong.
To me, this is an argument in favour of the proposal.


>   As such, I don’t believe that this change was “Actively Harmful”,  
> especially for new developers who have a clean slate or simply are leaving 
> everything unmarked (internal) anyhow until they move up to more advanced 
> topics.  Unraveling a generic or functional code someone else wrote uses way 
> more cognitive power. 
> I’d like to address the suggestion that the migration for SE-0159 could 
> “simply” be a search and replace without loss of functionality.  This doesn’t 
> make sense if you consider the entire code lifecycle.  Sure the code gets 
> migrated and compiles.  This is fine if they code _never_ has to be read 
> again.  But as we know, code is written once and _read many times_ as it will 
> need to be maintained.  The distinction between private and fileprivate 
> contains information, and although it may work correctly now, some 
> information meant to help maintain that code has been lost if these keywords 
> are merged and the functionality of scoped access is removed.  So yes if you 
> don’t maintain the code where this migration takes place, this would be ok. 
> But Swift strives for readability.  Moving classes to separate files to 
> address these issues, creates a multitude of Bunny classes where again for 
> readability some classes belong together in the same file for ease of 
> comprehension (again, code is written once , read many times)
> * Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
> The spirit of the proposal to simplify access levels is well taken.  This 
> proposal however simplifies at the expense of lost functionality (Scoped 
> Access levels) with no replacement.  The threads talk a about submodules and 
> other solutions that could fill this gap that are not on the roadmap, planned 
> or possible which makes them  non-admissible in considering this proposal.
> * If you have used other languages, libraries, or package managers with a 
> similar feature, how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
> I am more familiar with scoped access so perhaps that feels more natural to 
> me.  But with the current implementation Swift users can choose whether they 
> use File Based or Scope Based tools, so although not ideal to either side, 
> acceptable until a suitable replacement could be forged.
> * How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, or 
> an in-depth study?
> Re-read SE-0025/proposal/most of this very long thread
> From: <swift-evolution-boun...@swift.org> on behalf of Tino Heth via 
> swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org>
> Reply-To: Tino Heth <2...@gmx.de>
> Date: Monday, March 27, 2017 at 6:48 AM
> To: Zach Waldowski <z...@waldowski.me>
> Cc: <swift-evolution@swift.org>
> Subject: Re: [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0159: Fix Private Access Levels
>> I am now absolutely thrilled to create a filter to Mark As Read anything 
>> else arising from this thread. Good luck.
> That might be a good idea — after more than 200 messages, and a quite 
> circular discussion with an unhealthy amount of ignorance for the opposing 
> side ;-).
> To fight the latter, I just tried to take the position that "new private" is 
> really important, and this imho leads to interesting consequences...
> This access modifier really doesn't solve a problem, like "let" does (unless 
> the problem you want to solve is having a language with private access).
> Have a look at this:
> public struct SeperateConcerns {
>        private var foo: Int = 0
>        public mutating func updateFoo(_ value: Int) {
>               print("The only allowed way to change foo was invoked")
>               foo = value
>        }
>        private var bar: Int = 0
>        public mutating func updateBar(_ value: Int) {
>               print("The only allowed way to change bar was invoked")
>               bar = value
>        }
>        private var foobar: Int = 0
>        public mutating func updateFoobar(_ value: Int) {
>               print("The only allowed way to change foobar was invoked")
>               foobar = value
>        }
> }
> You can protect foo from being changed by code in other files, and from 
> extensions in the same file — and if the latter is a concern, there should 
> also be a way to limit access to foo to specific function in scope.
> Afaik, somebody proposed "partial" type declarations, but without them, the 
> meaning of private is rather arbitrary, and the feature is only useful for a 
> tiny special case.
> If we had partial types, the situation would be different, and if would be 
> possible to declare extensions inside a partial declaration of another type, 
> we could even remove fileprivate without an replacement (I guess I should 
> write a separate mail for this thought…)
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