> On Mar 27, 2017, at 12:25 PM, John McCall via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Mar 24, 2017, at 6:54 PM, Peter Dillinger via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> I don't see anything directly relevant to this in the archives, and I 
>> haven't prepared a detailed proposal.  But I'm raising the general idea 
>> because I recently criticized Swift 3 for allowing unreachable code in a 
>> blog post: 
>> https://blogs.synopsys.com/software-integrity/2017/03/24/swift-programming-language-design-part-2/
>>  (search for "unreachable code").  And I want you to have every opportunity 
>> to rectify this, even though I'm in the business of finding defects the 
>> compiler doesn't.  :)
>> Part of my argument is that people commonly ignore compiler warnings.  We 
>> see lots of defective code that would be (or is) caught by compiler warnings 
>> but people don't pay attention.
> It was, indeed, something of a policy goal for awhile to not have any 
> compiler warnings in Swift.  The idea was that anything suspect should be an 
> error.  We deliberately backed away from that because it was actually really 
> disruptive to the development experience: even very conscientious programmers 
> who diligently fix all their warnings sometimes have code "in flight", so to 
> speak, and want to be able to test and debug it without immediately making 
> invasive edits.  To use a germane example, if unreachable code were always an 
> error, a programmer trying to debug a problem wouldn't be able to 
> short-circuit a function by just adding a return; they'd also have to comment 
> out the rest of the function.
> I think we're comfortable with the current balance.  It's understood that 
> some programmers just ignore compiler warnings, but there are costs on the 
> other side, too.

+1.  I like this being a warning for exactly the reasons you state.  It’s very 
useful to sometimes be able to just insert an early return when debugging.

> John.
>> If you would like to see more defect examples from open-source software 
>> (other languages for the moment), I am able to dig up such things.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Peter Dillinger, Ph.D.
>> Software Engineering Manager, Coverity Analysis, Software Integrity Group | 
>> Synopsys
>> www.synopsys.com/software
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