> On Mar 28, 2017, at 12:10 AM, Adrian Zubarev 
> <adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com> wrote:
> It’s probably the influence from iOS development where I have delegate 
> protocols like this one:
> @objc public protocol _ContainerViewControllerDelegate: class {
>     @objc optional func containerViewController(_ containerViewController: 
> ContainerViewController,
>                                                 willPerform operation: 
> ContainerViewController.Operation,
>                                                 from oldViewController: 
> UIViewController,
>                                                 to newViewController: 
> UIViewController,
>                                                 animated: Bool)
>     @objc optional func containerViewController(_ containerViewController: 
> ContainerViewController,
>                                                 didPerform operation: 
> ContainerViewController.Operation,
>                                                 from oldViewController: 
> UIViewController,
>                                                 to newViewController: 
> UIViewController,
>                                                 animated: Bool)
>     @objc optional func containerViewController(_ containerViewController: 
> ContainerViewController,
>                                                 willSet oldViewControllers: 
> [UIViewController],
>                                                 to newViewControllers: 
> [UIViewController],
>                                                 animated: Bool)
>     @objc optional func containerViewController(_ containerViewController: 
> ContainerViewController,
>                                                 didSet newViewControllers: 
> [UIViewController],
>                                                 from oldViewControllers: 
> [UIViewController],
>                                                 animated: Bool)
> }

This looks like a bad API to begin with. If I was designing something like this 
I would instead have a single containerViewController() method or something 
that takes a value which encodes the various states.

You could have something like this:

enum ViewControllerState {
  case willPerform(…)
  case didPerform(…)
  case willSet(…)
  case didSet(…)

> Implementing noops for each function in an extension seems kind of a wrong 
> decision for a few reasons:
> They don’t make sense, because either the receiver implements a function or 
> not. So optional functions provide a more natural solution to that problem.
> We don’t have to pass unnecessarily any arguments to the top functions.
> (Personal preference) I tend to avoid @objc in general. 
> I think there was some technical reason why we don’t have optional functions 
> in pure Swift yet, something that also affects dynamic if I’m not mistaken.
> Think of the protocol from above as of an existential of a set of functions. 
> The problem is that, I don’t want to introduce a standalone protocol for 
> every function, so the client can decide which protocol it will conform to to 
> avoid these noops. Furthermore, it’s way easier to check for an optional 
> function in your control flow instead of dealing with default values delegate 
> functions with a more complex return type might have.
> -- 
> Adrian Zubarev
> Sent with Airmail
> Am 28. März 2017 um 07:31:50, Slava Pestov (spes...@apple.com 
> <mailto:spes...@apple.com>) schrieb:
>>> On Mar 27, 2017, at 1:48 PM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Assuming we’ll get that functionality, both var and let should satisfy the 
>>> protocol requirements right?
>> In theory, there’s no reason not to allow that.
>>> If it is valid, could we potentially get optional functions in pure Swift 
>>> as well?
>> I mean, you can already do this:
>> protocol P {
>>   var optionalRequirement: ((Int) -> ())? { get }
>> }
>> extension P {
>>   // “default implementation"
>>   var optionalRequirement: ((Int) -> ())? { return nil }
>> }
>> struct A : P {}
>> struct B : P {
>>   let optionalRequirement: ((Int) -> ())? = { (x: Int) in print(x) }
>> }
>> But it’s kind of tacky.
>> If you think about it, “optional requirement” is an oxymoron. What’s your 
>> use-case?
>> Slava

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