On Apr 5, 2017, at 4:31 AM, Vladimir.S <sva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From a pragmatic perspective, I feel like this is a great solution that
>> really does solve the problems we have with current access control, all
>> without breaking source compatibility.  This is also a major progression
>> from where we are, and doesn’t appear to cut off any future directions
>> (e.g. submodules) since those are cross-file concepts that live between
>> internal/public or between fileprivate/internal.
> If we have Swift2's 'private' (instead of fileprivate) and 'scoped'(instead 
> of current 'private'), then such 'private' can naturally mean "private to 
> submodule" *especially* if file will be treated as un-named submodule.

As John McCall said up thread, introducing new keywords like “scoped” is out of 
bounds for Swift 4.

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