Best summary I’ve read on this thread for days! :)

> On Apr 5, 2017, at 6:54 PM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 12:02 AM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> < <>> wrote:
>  - fileprivate should really become much more rare, which makes it more 
> meaningful and significant where it occurs.  This was the original idea and 
> intent behind SE-0025.
> I would like to understand the reasoning here. I just looked back at SE-0025 
> and I see this same assertion, but I cannot find the reasoning. Could you 
> explain it to me please?
> Certainly I would love to make the *spelling* of “fileprivate” be entirely 
> nonexistent. But all the lines of logic I have come up with lead inexorably 
> to the conclusion that the *semantics* of “fileprivate” should be the common, 
> de facto, access level that people reach for when they need encapsulation.
> 1. Someone makes a file with a single type in it, and marks the 
> implementation details “private”. At this point, it does not matter matter 
> which meaning “private” has, they all work the same so far.
> 2. The developer adds a free function to the file. Or an extension of another 
> type. Or another type entirely. And they put it in the same file because it 
> needs to work with the implementation details of the existing type.
> Now the difference between possible meanings of “private” matters. And if it 
> is anything short of “fileprivate”, then the developer has to go back and 
> change access levels. Things no longer “just work”.
> The alternative scenario is that one adds something to the file which doesn’t 
> need privileged access to what’s already there. In which case the questions 
> are, “Why put it in the same file at all?” and “If there is a good reason to 
> put it in the same file, is there any *harm* in it being able to see private 
> members?”
> Most developers most of the time should not have to think about 
> sub-file-level granularity. If things are in the same file it is because they 
> need to work together closely. We should be able to mark members “private” 
> and work with them across the file. This dramatically reduces the cognitive 
> burden, and the amount of time spent fiddling with access levels.
> With any meaning of “private” less than “fileprivate”, developers end up 
> marking things “private”, then letting the IDE change it to “fileprivate” 
> when the compiler complains. This tells me that people actually want the 
> semantics of “fileprivate”, and they want it to be spelled “private”.
> The main exception, where people truly desire and intend for 
> tighter-than-file encapsulation, is when certain invariants must be 
> preserved, and should not be touched except by dedicated methods. And *that* 
> is the important case worth making unambiguously explicit.
> All the talk about calling out cross-type sharing within a file seems 
> superfluous. That is one of the principle reasons for putting multiple types 
> in one file to begin with. But preserving invariants, now *that* deserves a 
> meaningful and significant syntax, ideally something loud that warns 
> developers not to mess with it.
> So, why exactly is there a desire to make the semantics of “fileprivate” rare?
> Nevin
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