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> On 7 Apr 2017, at 12:17, Haravikk <> wrote:
>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 21:47, David Hart <> wrote:
>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 22:34, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 20:35, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>    • What is your evaluation of the proposal?
>>> I'm a -1 for several reasons, mostly subjective but still. First thing is 
>>> that I'm generally not comfortable with encouraging the use of multi-line 
>>> strings at all. These are things that usually should be templated or 
>>> localised, and personally I don't see what's inconvenient about 
>>> concatenating on those occasions where you can't (or just don't want to); 
>>> I'm actually of the opinion that this is the kind of thing that should be 
>>> awkward and annoying, to encourage developers to think about what they're 
>>> doing.
>> IMHO, there are plenty of uses for multi-line strings that are entire valid 
>> and acceptable. SQL queries is the example I encounter the most in my 
>> day-to-day work. And concatenating makes working with them very cumbersome.
> Maybe, but with SQL I long moved on to using placeholders for variables, 
> which makes most statements fairly compact. And in fact these days I almost 
> entirely use stored procedures, so most SQL statements I work with are just 
> enough to call a procedure.

I use placeholders, but there's no way a 4-5 join query fits on a line even 
then. And those can become fairly common quickly.

> Even so, while that may be an argument for the need for multi-line strings 
> it's a use case that would still be better handled by continuation quotes 
> IMO, but again, they don't offer so much added convenience over concatenation 
> to really be worth it.

Why would it be a use case for continuation quotes instead of multi-line 
strings? I don't follow.

> Also, just wanted to add, but those arguing against continuation quotes on 
> the basis of pasting into Swift; you already can paste into Swift using 
> regular double quotes

I don't understand. If I paste a multi line SQL query between double quotes in 
Swift, the resulting codes does not compile.

> , you just don't get to indent text and have the indentation magically 
> handled for you. It's the magic handling of indentation that makes me most 
> uncomfortable about the main proposal. This is why I mentioned the idea of 
> using a compiler directive which would be more explicit in what's going on, 
> as well as being more discoverable as it would provide something easy to 
> search for. Like so:
> let foo = #trimleft("
>       foo
>               bar
>       baz
> ")
> Becoming (behind the scenes):
> let foo = "foo
>       bar
> baz"
> It has the same benefits as heredocs but without any new syntax, and someone 
> new to the language can just search for "Swift #trimleft" (or whatever it'd 
> be called) to find out what it does exactly.
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