> On 10 Apr 2017, at 17:17, Maximilian Hünenberger via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> How about this:
>     array.removeEvery(3)
>     array.removeEvery{ $0 > 3 }
> I think it preserves the meaning while it reads nicely. However "every" has 
> no precedent in other functions, as far as I know.

Every has a very ambiguous meaning in English. It could be understood as "every 
3 values" as in 0, 3, 6, 9, etc...

>> Am 10.04.2017 um 04:32 schrieb Ben Cohen via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>>>> On Apr 8, 2017, at 5:41 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon <br...@architechies.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 8, 2017, at 12:44 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> +1. Perfect. Let's not bikeshed this and get it done!
>>> Sorry, I'm going to have to insist on bikeshedding.
>>> `equalTo:` is kind of ugly and has no precedent in the standard library. 
>>> Similar APIs seem to either leave the parameter unlabeled or use `of:` (as 
>>> in `index(of:)`). I think unlabeled is probably the right answer here.
>> I think removeAll(of:) works well for the equatable value version.
>> FWIW of all the ideas from the all thread, containsOnly(_:) for the 
>> equatable value version works for me. It has a nice symmetry: contains(3) vs 
>> containsOnly(3).
>>> The main shortcoming I can see is that if you see:
>>>     array.removeAll(3)
>> Personally don’t feel good about an unlabelled version. It doesn’t read 
>> right. Remove all three what?
>>> You might think `3` is either an index or a count. But neither of those 
>>> actually make sense:
>>> * It can't be an index because then `All` would have no meaning. There's 
>>> only ever one thing at a given index. Besides, indices are almost always 
>>> marked with `at:` or another parameter label.
>>> * It can't be a count because `All` is already a count. What could "remove 
>>> all 3" possibly mean if the array doesn't happen to have three elements?
>>> And this is only a problem if the value happens to be an integer. If it's 
>>> anything else, the type makes clear that this can't possibly be an index or 
>>> count; it must be an element.
>>> (But if you really do think this is insurmountable, `removeAll(of: 3)` *is* 
>>> impossible to misinterpret and fits in better than `removeAll(equalTo:)`.)
>>> (P.S. The existing oddness of `removeFirst(_:)` compared to `removeFirst()` 
>>> and `removeAll()` is why I proposed last year that it be renamed to 
>>> `removePrefix(_:)`, which matches the count-taking `prefix(_:)` method.)
>>> -- 
>>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>>> Architechies
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