On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> In response to Jordan Rose's comment I suggest the following change:
> Proposal: Split extension usage up into implementing methods and adding
> static functions
> Currently extension methods are confusing because they have different
> dispatch rules for the same syntax. EG:
>     protocol P {
>         func m()
>     }
>     extension P {
>         func m() { print("P.m") }
>     }
>     struct S: P {
>         func m() { print("S.m") }
>     }
>     val p: P = S() // Note typed as P
>     p.m() // Surprisingly prints P.m even though S implements its own m

This is incorrect. This prints "S.m", not "P.m".

>     val s = S() // Note typed as S
>     s.m() // Prints S.m as expected
> This proposal cures the above problem by separating extension methods into
> two seperate use cases: implementations for methods and adding static
> functions.
> First implementing methods.
> If the extension is in the same file as the protocol/struct/class
> declaration then it implements the methods and is dispatched using a
> Vtable. EG:
> File P.swift
>     protocol/struct/class P {
>         func m()
>     }
>     extension P {
>         func m() { print("P.m") }
>     }
> Same or other file
>     struct S: P {
>         override func m() { print("S.m") } // Note override required
> because m already has an implementation from the extension

Requiring `override` breaks retroactive conformance of types to protocols.
This idea has been brought up over half a dozen times. Each time it fails
in not being able to accommodate retroactive conformance.

>     }
>     val p: P = S() // Note typed as P
>     p.m() // Now prints S.m as expected
> Extensions in the same file as the declaration can have any access, can be
> final, and can have where clauses and provide inheritable implementations.
> The implementation needed to achieve this is that a value instance typed
> as a protocol is copied onto the heap, a pointer to its Vtable added, and
> it is passed as a pointer. IE it becomes a class instance. No change needed
> for a class instance typed as a protocol.
> The second use case is adding static functions.
> A new type of extension is proposed, a static final extension, which can
> be either in or outside the file in which the protocol/struct/class
> declaration is in. EG:
>     static final extension P { // Note extension marked static final
>         func m() { print("P.m") }
>     }
> Which is called as any other static function would be called:
>     val s = S()
>     P.m(s) // Prints P.m as expected
> The new static final extension is shorthand, particularly in the case of
> multiple functions, for:
>     extension P {
>         static final func m(_ this: P) { print("P.m") }
>     }
> If the static final extension is outside of the file in which the
> protocol/struct/class declaration is in then the extension and the methods
> can only have fileprivate and internal access.

What is the use case for having this restriction? What is the problem you
are trying to solve?

> As at present protocol/struct/class can have both a static and instance
> method of the same name, m in the case of the example, because the usage
> syntax is distinct. As at present, static final extensions, both the
> extension and the individual functions, can have where clauses.
> In summary.
> The proposal formalises the split use of extensions into their two uses:
> implementing methods and adding static functions. Syntax is added that
> clarifies both for declarations and usage which type of extension is
> provided/in use.
> Note the distinction between an extension in the same file and in a
> separate file is consistent with the proposed use of private in
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/
> proposals/0169-improve-interaction-between-private-
> declarations-and-extensions.md.
> Comments?
> -- Howard.
> On 7 Apr 2017, at 4:49 am, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com> wrote:
> [Proposal: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/
> master/proposals/0164-remove-final-support-in-protocol-extensions.md]
> On Apr 5, 2017, at 16:15, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The review of SE-0164 "Remove final support in protocol extensions"
>    - What is your evaluation of the proposal?
> The present situation isn't great. People get confused about which method
> will called with protocol extensions. Seems like every week there is a
> variation on this confusion on Swift Users mailing list. Therefore
> something needs to be done.
> However I am not keen on this proposal since it makes behaviour
> inconsistent between methods in protocol extensions, classes, and structs.
> I think a better solution would be one of the following alternatives:
>   1. Must use final and final means it cannot be overridden; or
>   2. If not final dispatches using a table like a class and if marked
> final cannot be overridden and if marked dynamic uses obj-c dispatching; or
>   3. Must be marked dynamic and uses obj-c dispatching.
> My preference would be option 2 but I think any of the three is superior
> to the present situation or the proposal.
> People have suggested all of these before, but none of them are obviously
> correct. It's true that we have a difference between extension members that
> satisfy requirements and those that don't, and that that confuses people.
> However, an extension-only member of one protocol can be used to satisfy
> the requirements of another protocol today, which is a tool for code reuse.
> (I *think* we managed to convince everyone that it's just a bug that a
> protocol extension method that satisfies a requirement cannot be overridden
> in a subclass, so at least that isn't an issue on top of the rest of this.)
> Oh, and we can't retroactively add members of a protocol extension to
> existing adopters, which is why protocol extension members cannot be @objc.
> There are limited circumstances where that would be safe, but that would be
> a separate proposal.
> Jordan
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