Right. I think we're in vigorous agreement.

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:11 Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com> wrote:

> On Apr 19, 2017, at 6:09 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com>
> wrote:
>> On Apr 19, 2017, at 16:17, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 19, 2017, at 3:23 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Martin R <martinr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 19. Apr 2017, at 01:48, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> So, as I understand it, `Float.init(exactly: Double.pi) == nil`. I
>>>> would expect NSNumber to behave similarly (a notion with which Martin
>>>> disagrees, I guess). I don't see a test that shows whether NSNumber behaves
>>>> or does not behave in that way.
>>>> At present they behave differently:
>>>>     print(Float(exactly: Double.pi) as Any)
>>>>     // nil
>>>>     print(Float(exactly: NSNumber(value: Double.pi)) as Any)
>>>>     // Optional(3.14159274)
>>>> I realize that identical behavior would be logical and least
>>>> surprising. My only concern was about cases like
>>>>     let num = ... // some NSNumber from a JSON deserialization
>>>>     let fval = Float(exactly: num)
>>>> where one cannot know how the number is represented internally and what
>>>> precision it needs. But then one could use the truncating conversion or
>>>> `.floatValue` instead.
>>> JSON numbers are double-precision floating point, unless I'm
>>> misunderstanding something. If someone writes `Float(exactly:
>>> valueParsedFromJSON)`, surely, that can only mean that they *really,
>>> really* prefer nil over an imprecise value. I can see no other reason to
>>> insist on using both Float and .init(exactly:).
>>> JSON does not claim 32 or 64 bit floating point, or for that matter 128
>>> or infinite bit floating point :(
>> Oops, you're right. I see they've wanted to future-proof this. That said,
>> RFC 7159 *does* say:
>> This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range
>> and precision of numbers accepted.  Since software that implements
>> IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers [IEEE754] is
>>> generally available and widely used, good interoperability can be
>>> achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range
>>> than these provide, in the sense that implementations will
>>> approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision.
>> So JSON doesn't set limits on how numbers are represented, but JSON
>> implementations are permitted to (and I'd imagine that all in fact do). A
>> user of a JSON deserialization library can rightly expect to know the
>> numeric limits of that implementation; for the purposes of bridging
>> NSNumber, if the answer is that the implementation parses JSON numbers as
>> double-precision values, Double(exactly:) would be the right choice;
>> otherwise, if it's 80-bit values, then Float80(exactly:) would be the right
>> choice, etc.
>> Float80 is not compatible with NSNumber; and is well out of scope for
>> this proposal.
> OK, so Double is the largest floating point type compatible with NSNumber?
> It stands to reason that any Swift JSON implementation that uses NSNumber
> for parsed floating point values would at most have that much range and
> precision, right?
> For JSONSerialization (which I am most familiar with and ships with
> Foundation); it can emit both NSNumbers and NSDecimalNumber. A rough
> approximation of the behavior: if it can store the value in an integer type
> it stores it as such in a NSNumber (iirc up to UINT64_MAX) and then if it
> has a decimal point it will attempt to parse as a double but if that is not
> enough storage it will store the best possible value into NSDecimalNumber.
> So NSNumber itself (excluding subclasses) can only store up to a 64 bit
> value.
> If so, then every floating point value parsed by any such Swift JSON
> implementation would be exactly representable as a Double: regardless of
> whether that specific implementation uses Float or Double under the hood,
> every Float can be represented exactly as a Double. If a user is trying to
> bridge such a NSNumber instance specifically to *Float* instead of Double,
> and they are asking for an exact value, there's no a priori reason to think
> that this user would be more likely to care only about the range and not
> the precision, or vice versa. Which is to say, I don't think you'll get too
> many bug reports :)
> In my mind there are two considerations here; balance against the surprise
> from new developers learning their first programming language versus
> consistency. In the end even if I believe the behavior is sub-par I would
> rather it be consistent. Primarily consistency is easier to teach even if
> it is derived from a standard developed with legacy behavior of C at its
> heart.
> Perhaps in the future we might want to eventually allow conversions to and
> from NSNumber via the Integer and FloatingPoint protocols; however I would
> guess that there needs to be a lot more thought and perhaps some
> modifications there to pull that off. Not to sound like a broken record,
> but again that it is out of scope for right now.
>> After thinking about it more; it seems reasonable to restrict it to the
>>> behavior of Float(exactly: Double(…)). I am certain this will probably in
>>> the end cause more bugs for me to have to address and mark as “behaves
>>> correctly” and confuse a few new developers - but in the end they chose
>>> Swift and the consistent story would be the current behavior of
>>> Float(exactly: Double).
>>>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Philippe Hausler <phaus...@apple.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 18, 2017, at 9:22 AM, Stephen Canon <sca...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 18, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Joe Groff <jgr...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 17, 2017, at 5:56 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> It seems Float.init(exactly: NSNumber) has not been updated to behave
>>>>> similarly?
>>>>> I would have to say, I would naively expect "exactly" to behave
>>>>> exactly as it says, exactly. I don't think it should be a synonym for
>>>>> Float(Double(exactly:)).
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 19:24 Philippe Hausler via swift-evolution <
>>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> I posted my branch and fixed up the Double case to account for your
>>>>> concerns (with a few inspired unit tests to validate)
>>>>> https://github.com/phausler/swift/tree/safe_nsnumber
>>>>> There is a builtin assumption here though: it does presume that the
>>>>> swift’s representation of Double and Float are IEEE compliant. However 
>>>>> that
>>>>> is a fairly reasonable assumption in the tests.
>>>> Even with the updated code at
>>>> https://github.com/phausler/swift/tree/safe_nsnumber
>>>>     print(Double(exactly: NSNumber(value: Int64(9000000000000000001)))
>>>> as Any)
>>>>     // Optional(9e+18)
>>>> still succeeds, however the reason seems to be an error in the
>>>> `init(exactly value: someIntegerType)` inititializers of Float/Double, I
>>>> have submitted a bug report: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-4634.
>>>> (+Steve Canon) What is the behavior of Float.init(exactly: Double)?
>>>>> NSNumber's behavior would ideally be consistent with that.
>>>>> The implementation is essentially just:
>>>>> self.init(other)
>>>>> guard Double(self) == other else {
>>>>> return nil
>>>>> }
>>>>> i.e. if the result is not equal to the source when round-tripped back
>>>>> to double (which is always exact), the result is nil.
>>>>> – Steve
>>>>> Pretty much the same trick inside of CFNumber/NSNumber
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