This new proposal is great, I'm all in.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017, at 17:25, Rick Ballard via swift-evolution wrote:> Hi all,
> We have a proposal we'd like feedback on to revise how Swift Package
> Manager dependency resolution, updating, and pinning works. These
> changes weren't planned in the roadmap we published a few months ago,
> but it's become clear since then that we have some holes in our
> dependency resolution behavior that need fixing. We've also come to
> the conclusion that our original design for pinning was
> overcomplicated and should be revised.> 
> Please give us your feedback; we're hoping to submit this proposal for
> official review next week.> 
> The current draft of the proposal can be found at
> I'm also including it below.> 
> Thanks,
> - Rick
> Package Manager Revised Dependency Resolution

>  * Proposal: SE-NNNN[1]
>  * Author: Rick Ballard[2]
>  * Review Manager: TBD
>  * Status: Draft in progress
>  * Bug: TBD> Introduction

> This proposal makes the package manager's dependency resolution
> behavior clearer and more intuitive. It removes the pinning commands
> (swift package pin & swift package unpin), replaces the swift package
> fetch command with a new swift package resolve command with improved
> behavior, and replaces the optional Package.pins file with a
> Package.resolved file which is always created during dependency
> resolution.> Motivation

> When SE-0145 Package Manager Version Pinning[3] was proposed, it was
> observed that the proposal was overly complex. In particular, it
> introduced a configuration option allowing some packages to have
> autopinning on (the default), while others turned it off; this option
> affected the behavior of other commands (like swift package update,
> which has a --repinflag that does nothing for packages that use
> autopinning). This configuration option has proved to be unnecessarily
> confusing.> In the existing design, when autopinning is on (which is true by
> default) the swift package pin command can't be used to pin packages
> at specific revisions while allowing other packages to be updated. In
> particular, if you edit your package's version requirements in the
> Package.swift manifest, there is no way to resolve your package graph
> to conform to those new requirements without automatically repinning
> all packages to the latest allowable versions. Thus, specific,
> intentional pins can not be preserved without turning off autopinning.> The 
> problems here stem from trying to use one mechanism (pinning) to
> solve two different use cases: wanting to record and share resolved
> dependency versions, vs wanting to keep a badly-behaved package at a
> specific version. We think the package manager could be simplified by
> splitting these two use cases out into different mechanisms ("resolved
> versions" vs "pinning"), instead of using an "autopinning" option
> which makes these two features mutually-exclusive and confusing.> 
> Additionally, some dependency resolution behaviors were not well-
> specified and do not behave well. The package manager is lax about
> detecting changes to the versions specified in the Package.swift
> manifest or Package.pinspinfile, and fails to automatically update
> packages when needed, or to issue errors if the version requirements
> are unsatisfiable, until the user explicitly runs swift package
> update, or until a new user without an existing checkout attempts to
> build. We'd like to clarify and revise the rules around when and how
> the package manager performs dependency resolution.> Proposed solution

> The pinning feature will be removed. This removes the swift package
> pin and swift package unpin commands, the --repin flag to swift
> package update, and use of the Package.pins file.> In a future version of the 
> package manager we may re-introduce
> pinning. If we do, pins will only be recorded in the Package.pins file
> when explicitly set with swift package pin, and any pinned
> dependencies will *not* be updated by the swift package update
> command; instead, they would need to be unpinned to be updated. This
> would be a purely additive feature which packages could use in
> addition to the resolved versions feature when desired.> A new "resolved 
> versions" feature will be added, which behaves very
> similarly to how pinning previously behaved when autopinning was on.
> The version of every resolved dependency will be recorded in a
> Package.resolved file in the top-level package, and when this file is
> present in the top-level package it will be used when performing
> dependency resolution, rather than the package manager finding the
> latest eligible version of each package. swift package updatewill
> update all dependencies to the latest eligible versions and update the
> Package.resolved file accordingly.> Resolved versions will always be recorded 
> by the package manager. Some
> users may chose to add the Package.resolved file to their package's
> .gitignore file. When this file is checked in, it allows a team to
> coordinate on what versions of the dependencies they should use. If
> this file is gitignored, each user will seperately choose when to get
> new versions based on when they run the swift package update command,
> and new users will start with the latest eligible version of each
> dependency. Either way, for a package which is a dependency of other
> packages (e.g. a library package), that package's Package.resolved
> file will not have any effect on its client packages.> The existing swift 
> package fetch command will be deprecated, removed
> from the help message, and removed completely in a future release of
> the Package Manager. In its place, a new swift package resolve command
> will be added. The behavior of resolve will be to resolve
> dependencies, taking into account the current version restrictions in
> the Package.swift manifest and Package.resolved resolved versions
> file, and issuing an error if the graph cannot be resolved. For
> packages which have previously resolved versions recorded in the
> Package.resolved file, the resolvecommand will resolve to those
> versions as long as they are still eligible. If the resolved versions
> file changes (e.g. because a teammate pushed a new version of the
> file) the next resolve command will update packages to match that
> file. After a successful resolve command, the checked out versions of
> all dependencies and the versions recorded in the resolved versions
> file will match. In most cases the resolve command will perform no
> changes unless the Package.swiftmanifest or Package.resolved file have
> changed.> The following commands will implicitly invoke the swift package
> resolve functionality before running, and will cancel with an error if
> dependencies cannot be resolved:

>  * swift build
>  * swift test
>  * swift package generate-xcodeproj> The swift package show-dependencies 
> command will also implicitly
> invoke swift package resolve, but it will show whatever information
> about the dependency graph is available even if the resolve fails.> The swift 
> package edit command will implicitly invoke swift package
> resolve, but if the resolve fails yet did identify and fetch a package
> with the package name the command supplied, the command will allow
> that package to be edited anyway. This is useful if you wish to use
> the edit command to edit version requirements and fix an unresolvable
> dependency graph. swift package unedit will unedit the package and
> *then* perform a resolve.> Detailed design

> The resolve command is allowed to automatically add new dependencies
> to the resolved versions file, and to remove dependencies which are no
> longer in the dependency graph. It can also automatically update the
> recorded versions of any package whose previously-resolved version is
> no longer allowed by the version requirements from the
> Package.swiftmanifests. When changed version requirements force a
> dependency to be automatically re-resolved, the latest eligible
> version will be chosen; any other dependencies affected by that change
> will prefer to remain at their previously-resolved versions as long as
> those versions are eligible, and will otherwise update likewise.> The 
> Package.resolved resolved versions file will record the git
> revision used for each resolved dependency in addition to its version.
> In future versions of the package manager we may use this information
> to detect when a previously-resolved version of a package resolves to
> a new revision, and warn the user if this happens.> The swift package resolve 
> command will not actually perform a git
> fetch on any dependencies unless it needs to in order to correctly
> resolve dependencies. As such, if all dependencies are already
> resolved correctly and allowed by the version constraints in the
> Package.swift manifest and Package.resolved resolved versions file,
> the resolvecommand will not need to do anything (e.g. a normal swift
> build won't hit the network or make unnecessary changes during its
> implicit resolve).> If a dependency is in edit mode, it is allowed to have a 
> different
> version checked out than that recorded in the resolved versions file.
> The version recorded for an edited package will not change
> automatically. If a swift package updateoperation is performed while
> any packages are in edit mode, the versions of those edited packages
> will be removed from the resolved versions file, so that when those
> packages leave edit mode the next resolution will record a new version
> for them. Any packages in the dependency tree underneath an edited
> package will also have their resolved version removed by swift package
> update, as otherwise the resolved versions file might record versions
> that wouldn't have been chosen without whatever edited package
> modifications have been made.> Alternatives considered

> We considered repurposing the existing fetch command for this new
> behavior, instead of renaming the command to resolve. However, the
> name fetch is defined by git to mean getting the latest content for a
> repository over the network. Since this package manager command does
> not always actually fetch new content from the network, it is
> confusing to use the name fetch. In the future, we may offer
> additional control over when dependency resolution is allowed to
> perform network access, and we will likely use the word fetch in flag
> names that control that behavior.> We considered continuing to write out the 
> Package.pins file for
> packages whose Swift tools version[4] was less than 4.0, for maximal
> compatibility with the Swift 3.1 tools. However, as the old pinning
> behavior was a workflow feature and not a fundamental piece of
> package compatibility, we do not consider it necessary to support in
> the 4.0 tools.> We considered keeping the pin and unpin commands, with the new
> behavior as discussed briefly in this proposal. While we think we may
> wish to bring this feature back in the future, we do not consider it
> critical for this release; the workflow it supports (updating all
> packages except a handful which have been pinned) is not something
> most users will need, and there are workarounds (e.g. specify an
> explicit dependency in the Package.swift manifest).> Why we didn't use 
> "Package.lock"

> We considered using the .lock file extension for the new resolved
> versions file, to be consistent with many other package managers. We
> expect that the decision not to use this extension will be
> controversial, as following established precedent is valuable.
> However, we think that a "lockfile" is a very poor name for this
> concept, and that using that name would cause confusion when we re-
> introduce pins. Specifically:

>  * Calling this a "lock" implies a stronger lockdown of dependencies
>    than is supported by the actual behavior. As a simple update
>    command will reset the locks, and a change to the specified
>    versions in Package.swift will override them, they're not really
>    "locked" at all. This is misleading.
>  * When we re-introduce pinning, it would be very confusing to have
>    both "locks" and "pins". Having "resolved versions" and "pins" is
>    not so confusing.
>  * The term "lock" is already overloaded between POSIX file locks and
>    locks in concurrent programming.> For comparison, here is a list of other 
> package managers which
> implement similar behavior and their name for this file:

> Package Manager Language Resolved versions file name Yarn JS yarn.lock
> Composer PHP composer.lock Cargo Rust Cargo.lock Bundler Ruby
> Gemfile.lock CocoaPods ObjC/Swift Podfile.lock Glide Go glide.lock Pub
> Dart pubspec.lock Mix Elixir mix.lock rebar3 Erlang rebar.lock Carton
> Perl carton.lock Carthage ObjC/Swift Cartfile.resolved Pip Python
> requirements.txt NPM JS npm-shrinkwrap.json Meteor JS versions> Some 
> arguments for using ".lock" instead of ".resolved" are:

>  * Users of other package managers will already be familiar with the
>    terminology and behavior.
>  * For packages which support multiple package managers, it will be
>    possible to put "*.lock" into the gitignore file instead of needing
>    a seperate entry for "*.resolved".> However, we do not feel that these 
> arguments outweigh the problems
> with the term "lock". If providing feedback asking that we reconsider
> this decision, please be clear about why the above decision is
> incorrect, with new information not already considered.> 
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