Hey Björn,
I haven't seen any conversation on this. The proposal looked to present 2
possible implementation approaches pretty well, and the feedback thread was
pretty light. Maybe someone from the core team can comment on the next step?

Since it is potentially source breaking, I hope it makes it into the Swift
4 release.


On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Björn Forster <bjoern.fors...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> is the override proposal still in the making?
> Kind Regards,
> Björn
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Brian King via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Hey Iman, This is a known bug SR-103. It certainly has caught a few
>> people off guard. Dale Buckley is working on an evolution proposal that
>> would allow the bug to be fixed:
>> Proposal:
>> https://gist.github.com/dlbuckley/1858a7c0b5c027248fe16171d23ba01d
>> Conversation on the Proposal:
>> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-
>> Mon-20170313/033787.html
>> The only work around at this time is to make sure that your base class
>> implements all methods in the protocol.
>> Brian King
>> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Iman Zarrabian via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is my first contribution to this list so I’m a little nervous.
>>> I’ve been refactoring some code in one of our internal frameworks and
>>> noticed something I didn’t noticed about protocols before.
>>> Maybe I’m missing the big picture here but I’ll expose the issue to you
>>> anyway.
>>> Consider these protocols and classes declarations :
>>> protocol Foo {
>>>     func bar()
>>>     func specificBar()
>>>     func moreBar()
>>> }
>>> extension Foo {
>>>     func specificBar() {
>>>         print("default specificBar implementation")
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> extension UIView: Foo {
>>>     func bar() {
>>>         print("uiview default bar")
>>>         specificBar()
>>>         moreBar()
>>>     }
>>>     func moreBar() {
>>>         print("UIView is foo compliant and implements moreBar function")
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> class CustomView: UIView {
>>>     func startJob() {
>>>         bar()
>>>     }
>>>     func specificBar() {
>>>         print("CustomView specific bar implementation")  //This is the
>>> implementation I want for specificBar but this is not the one picked at
>>> runtime.
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> let view = CustomView()
>>> view.startJob()
>>> //Prints :
>>> //uiview default bar
>>> *//default specificBar implementation*
>>> //UIView is foo compliant and implements moreBar function
>>> I was wondering if it is a good idea to give the CustomView class the
>>> power to be more specific about it’s parent protocol adoption.
>>> It seems to me that implementation of a protocol method cannot be easily
>>> changed by subclasses of the class that actually adopts the protocol in the
>>> first place. IMO one way to achieve the kind of specialization I’m trying
>>> to do is to create two protocols and another would be to implement a
>>> version of specificBar in the superclass (UIView here)
>>> But does it make sense to consider some kind of cherry picking (with a
>>> new keyword) for those methods we want to implement more precisely than the
>>> one provided on the protocol extension?
>>> Consider this new code for CustomView :
>>> class CustomView: UIView {
>>>     func startJob() {
>>>         bar()
>>>     }
>>>     override adoption func specificBar() {  //or override protocol =>
>>> implements a method from a protocol adopted by the superclass
>>>         print("CustomView specificBar implementation")
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> let view = CustomView()
>>> view.startJob()
>>> //Would print :
>>> //uiview default bar
>>> *//CustomView specificBar implementation*
>>> //UIView is foo compliant and implements moreBar function
>>> I would appreciate your feedback.
>>> --
>>> Iman Zarrabian
>>> @imanzarrabian
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