> On 20 May 2017, at 19:58, Philippe Hausler wrote:
>> On May 20, 2017, at 12:25 AM, David Waite wrote:
>> I believe behavior depends on whether the NSNumber is the objc type or swift 
>> subtype, and whether you call the NSNumber.intValue or use 
>> Int.init?(exactly: NSNumber).
> That part of the behavior is no longer the case. The bridge only transacts 
> upon one number type (to leverage tagged pointers) and the subclass was 
> removed (since it caused some gnarly inconsistencies)

The subclass `_SwiftTypePreservingNSNumber` still exists:


Maybe the file isn't compiled anymore due to your pull requests:


You mentioned tagged pointers. My understanding is that:

* `OBJC_TAG_NSNumber` doesn't attempt to store a `float` or `double` in the 
60-bit payload;
* `OBJC_TAG_NSDate` is used only if bits 0...3 of the `NSTimeInterval` (aka 
`double`) are zero.


How often is an NSDate (with "sub-millisecond precision") created as a tagged 

-- Ben

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