On 01.06.2017 22:46, T.J. Usiyan wrote:
I, for one, would be willing to accept Xiaodi's suggestion involving `let`–especially if (pipe dream follows) we could use the same syntax in functions/methods to destructure parameters.

Yes, Xiaodi's suggestion also was very attractive. Just to remind:
{ (a, b) -> Int in } // two parameters
{ let (a, b) -> Int in } // destructuring one parameter

{ a, let (b, c) -> Int in } // destructuring two parameters
{ let a, (b, c) -> Int in } // still destructuring two parameters
{ let (a, (b, c)) -> Int in } // destructuring one parameter
{ (a, (b, c)) -> Int in } // error: add 'let' to destructure second parameter

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Vladimir.S via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

    On 01.06.2017 19:31, Tommaso Piazza wrote:

        Dear all,

        I made a comparison of Swift's 4 lack of tuple unsplatting, here is how 
        stands in comparison with other languages


    Thank you! Very useful information. And also I really like the opinion of
    @AliSoftware in comments for this article.

    I'd suggest to add this variant to Swift section in your article:

    let eighteenOrMore = ["Tom" : 33, "Rebecca" : 17, "Siri" : 5].filter {
             (arg: (name: String, age: Int)) in arg.age >= 18 }

    (I believe it is better that 2 others Swift variants.)

    It seems for me that we need to allow some special syntax for *explicit* 
    destructuring in closures to make all happy.

    FWIW These suggestions are my favorite:

    1. Just allow type inference for tuple's destructured variables in this 

    .filter { (arg: (name, age)) in arg.age >= 18 }

    2. (1) + allow underscore for tuple argument name:

    .filter { (_: (name, age)) in age >= 18 }

    3. (2) + allow to omit parenthesis (probably only in case of just one tuple 

    .filter { _: (name, age) in age >= 18 }

    4. Use pattern matching syntax:

    .filter { case let (name, age) in age >= 18 }

    (looks similar as allowed today: if case let (name, age) = x { print(name, 
age) }  )

    5. Use two pairs of parenthesis :

    .filter { ((name, age)) in age >= 18 }

    Btw, about the 5th variant. If took what is allowed today:
    .filter { (arg: (name: String, age: Int)) in arg.age >= 18 }
    , and allow type inference for tuple part arguments, we'll have this:
    .filter { (arg: (name, age)) in arg.age >= 18 }
    , and if additionally allow skipping of tuple argument declaration we'll 
    .filter { ((name, age)) in arg.age >= 18 }
    I.e. two pairs for parenthesis for tuple destructuring, and such syntax is
    similar to the type this closure should have : ((String, Int)) -> Bool

        On Thursday, June 1, 2017 12:25 PM, Vladimir.S via swift-evolution
        <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

        On 01.06.2017 0:42, John McCall wrote:
          >> On May 31, 2017, at 2:02 PM, Stephen Celis <stephen.ce...@gmail.com
        <mailto:stephen.ce...@gmail.com> <mailto:stephen.ce...@gmail.com
        <mailto:stephen.ce...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
          >>> On May 28, 2017, at 7:04 PM, John McCall via swift-evolution
          >>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>
        <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>> 
          >>> Yes, I agree.  We need to add back tuple destructuring in closure 
          >>> lists because this is a serious usability regression.  If we're
        reluctant to
          >>> just "do the right thing" to handle the ambiguity of (a,b), we 
        at least
          >>> allow it via unambiguous syntax like ((a,b)).  I do think that we
        should just
          >>> "do the right thing", however, with my biggest concern being 
          >>> any reasonable way to achieve that in 4.0.
          >> Closure parameter lists are unfortunately only half of the equation
        here. This
          >> change also regresses the usability of point-free expression.
          > The consequences for point-free style were expected and cannot 
really be
          > eliminated without substantially weakening SE-0110.  Closure 
        seems to
          > me to be a much more serious regression.

        John, do you also want to say "and without weakening SE-0066"? Because, 
if I
        understand correctly, in this case:

            func add(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int {
              return x + y

            zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).map(add)

        .. we have a clear function type mismatch situation, when map() expects
        function of
        type ((Int, Int))->Int, but function of type (Int,Int)->Int is provided 
? So
        the additional 'reason' of the 'problem' in this case is SE-0066, no?
        Or I don't understand the SE-0066 correctly..
        Do we want to allow implicit conversions between function type
        ((Int,Int))->Int and

        Quote from SE-0066:
        (Int, Int) -> Int    // function from Int and Int to Int
        ((Int, Int)) -> Int  // function from tuple (Int, Int) to Int

        During this discussion I see a wish of some group of developers to just
        return back
        tuple splatting for function/closure arguments, so they can freely send 
tuple to
        function/closure accepting a list of parameters(and probably 
        Is it worth to follow SE-0066 and SE-0110 as is, i.e. disallow tuple
        and then, as additive change improve the situation with tuple
        splatting/deconstructing later with separate big proposal?

        Btw, about the SE-0110 proposal. It was discussed, formally reviewed and
        accepted. I
        expect that its revision also should be formally 
proposed/reviewed/accepted to
        collect a wide range of opinions and thoughts, and attract the 
attention of
        developers in this list to the subject.

        Also, if we revisit SE-0110, will this code be allowed?:

        func foo(_ callback: ((Int,Int))->Void) {}
        let mycallback = {(x:Int, y:Int)->Void in }


        func foo(_ callback: (Int,Int)->Void) {}
        let mycallback = {(x: (Int, Int))->Void in }

        If so, what will be result of this for both cases? :

        print(type(of:mycallback)) // (Int,Int)->Void or ((Int,Int))->Void

        If allowed, do we want to allow implicit conversion between types
        (Int,Int)->Void and
        ((Int,Int))->Void in both directions?  (Hello tuple splatting?)

          > John.
          >> func add(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }
          >> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).map(add)
          >> // error: nested tuple parameter '(Int, Int)' of function 
          >> _.Element)) throws -> _) throws -> [_]' does not support 
          >> This may not be a common pattern in most projects, but we heavily 
        this style
          >> in the Kickstarter app in our functional and FRP code. Definitely 
        the most
          >> common coding pattern, but a very expressive one that we rely on.
          >> Our interim solution is a bunch of overloaded helpers, e.g.:
          >> func tupleUp<A, B, C>(_ f: (A, B) -> C) -> ((A, B)) -> C { return }
          >> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).map(tupleUp(add))
          >> Stephen
          > .
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