> On Jun 7, 2017, at 11:33 AM, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> So far, the answer to the ergonomics regression reports have been much too 
> often negative. I wish ergonomics had better support in the community. Very 
> few regular developers talk here, unfortunately.

Yes, I unfortunately agree.  The best term I have heard to describe this list 
is “Combative”.

I wish actual user experience / human factors was a greater consideration here, 
and that often requires little touches that are immediately dismissed from this 
list as being not-significant/important enough.  But those little touches add 
up to make the overall experience… and our experience has been suffering as a 

I don’t mean to offend, and I feel like I am learning a lot from everyone here 
(I am an experienced mac/iOS developer, but I mainly work as a designer and 
teacher).  I just really wish the list was more open to a range of voices. 


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