Hi here,

As I tested swift4 in xcode9b1 I noticed a lot of regressions about tuples

After documenting myself about the changes which happened, I thought that
they could be improved. Instead of fighting these propositions (which make
sense), I wanted create a few proposal which would improve these recent
changes with a few simple rules.

My propositions are based on the recent decisions and in the continuation
of SE-0110. The first one is about Void.
Void is historically defined as the type of the empty tuple. The reason of
this is that arguments were initially considered as tuple. If this is no
more the case, then it’s no more a reason to keep Void as an empty tuple.

I think that by having a few rules around tuples of cardinality 0 and 1 and
also arguments list, we could greatly improve source compatibility and keep
a lot of what makes swift great when using functional style and generics.

I drafted a proposal that would allow more source compatibility and type
consistency and would enjoy discussing it with you, in order to improve it


Let me know what you think about it,

very short reply expected - vsre.info
Jérémie Girault
swift-evolution mailing list

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