Just adding this here for reference:
func foo(_: Void) {}
func bar() {}
// All these compile in Swift 3:
// But only these two compile in Swift 4:

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 9:44 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Jérémie Girault <
> jeremie.gira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> @xiaodi
>> I disagree on many points, for example what is the type of x when we type
>> `let x = *Void` ?
> That would not be a legal statement. Exploding a tuple is an operation
> that only makes sense inside an argument list. Likewise `let x = &Void`
> will not compile.
>> This is the essence of the problem and this proposition wants to solve
>> this.
>> The regression is due to both reason combined : typealias Void = () AND
>> SE-0110
>> My proposition is to change the meaning of Void from () to “something
>> else” that is type-compatible with SE-0110 (and splatting in the future).
> I'm not sure I understand your motivation. Void is just a typealias. If
> tomorrow Void meant something else, all functions must still return (), and
> there is still no implicit tuple splatting.
>> If you want an example of the changes needed to migrate to swift4, just
>> look at the 42 files of handling parenthesis PR of RxSwift needed for
>> swift4 upgrade : https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/pull/1282/files
> Indeed, that's the result of SE-0110; these parentheses are needed because
> there is no implicit tuple splatting. They would be required even if `Void`
> did not exist in the language at all.
>> —
>> very short reply expected - vsre.info
>> Jérémie Girault
>> On 12 juin 2017 at 21:18:06, Xiaodi Wu (xiaodi...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 2:05 PM, David Hart <da...@hartbit.com> wrote:
>>> On 12 Jun 2017, at 19:25, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, I think this proposal appears to be mistaken as to this
>>> key premise: Void was never (IIUC) meant to model the absence of arguments;
>>> it is a type with one possible value.
>>> If I recall, a number of conversations have been raised about Void being
>>> a typealias of (), and the definitive response has been that this falls
>>> into the ship-has-sailed category of out-of-scope changes.
>>> More generally, the recent spate of complaints about regressions to a
>>> particular coding style have to do with loss of implicit tuple splatting,
>>> the cure for which is a proper implementation of tuple splatting, not
>>> poking holes into settled parts of the type system.
>>> But you can’t deny that SE-0110 has also caused regressions in the use
>>> of Void as generic argument because Void is modelled as the empty tuple.
>> I'm not sure I understand this statement. Void is a synonym for the empty
>> tuple, and that hasn't ever changed, so it can't be the root cause of any
>> regressions.
>>> And tuple splatting will not fix those regressions.
>> How come? If `*` is the splat operator, then it would be legal to call a
>> function `foo` that takes no arguments with `foo(*Void)`; if implicit tuple
>> splatting returns in fully implemented form, then it would be legal to call
>> it once again with `foo(Void)`.
>> And contrary to what some people might think, this is not an “edge-case”.
>>> Most useful monads modelled with generics have good reasons to use Void:
>>> *The Result<T> monad:* Result<Void> represents the result of an
>>> operation with no return value
>>> *The Promise<T> monad:* Promise<Void> represents the result of an
>>> asynchronous operation with no return value
>>> *The Observable<T> monad (in functional reactive programming):*
>>> Observable<Void> represents a stream of events with no values
>>> I use all three monads in my code and I’ve had to modify a lot of code
>>> when migrating to Swift 4 beta1 because of Void.
>> Can you give examples of the modifications needed during migration? From
>> here, I can only see that the reason any code needs modification is the
>> complete removal of implicit tuple splatting. Nothing has changed about
>> Void being a synonym for the empty tuple; even if you rename Void,
>> functions will still return () by some other name, and unless there is
>> tuple splatting in some form, the migration you performed is inevitable.
>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 12:15 John McCall via swift-evolution <
>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 12, 2017, at 4:48 AM, Jérémie Girault via swift-evolution <
>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi here,
>>>> As I tested swift4 in xcode9b1 I noticed a lot of regressions about
>>>> tuples usage.
>>>> After documenting myself about the changes which happened, I thought
>>>> that they could be improved. Instead of fighting these propositions (which
>>>> make sense), I wanted create a few proposal which would improve these
>>>> recent changes with a few simple rules.
>>>> My propositions are based on the recent decisions and in the
>>>> continuation of SE-0110. The first one is about Void.
>>>> Void is historically defined as the type of the empty tuple. The reason
>>>> of this is that arguments were initially considered as tuple.
>>>> The dominant consideration here was always return types, not
>>>> parameters.  I'm not sure there was ever much point in writing Void in a
>>>> parameter list, but whatever reasons there were surely vanished with
>>>> SE-0066.
>>>> Note that 'void' in C was originally exclusively a return type.  ANSI
>>>> gave it a new purpose it with void*, but the meaning is totally unrelated.
>>>> John.
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