I support everything Jon wrote.

+1 Free-for-all brainstorming venue separate from focused proposal discussion.

+1 Working groups when helpful.

+1 Longer public incubation for unstable / experimental features (but that idea 
executed & communicated with caution, preferably with active support from the 
compiler for preventing careless dependance).


> On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:16 PM, Jonathan Hull <jh...@gbis.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 12, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> - Sometimes (often?) refinements aren’t part of a grand design.  They evolve 
>> in the mind space from usage of Swift.  In other words, greedy optimization 
>> is sometimes just a natural way discussion and design happens.  The question 
>> in my mind is when these concerns come up should we throttle individual 
>> proposals and take more time to take a broader view?  Maybe that’s the 
>> answer.  Having been in discussions in the Core Team meetings I can say that 
>> sometimes it is clear there is a broader topic to be discussed, and other 
>> times it isn’t.
> I would like to see an explicit place (maybe another list or a section of the 
> eventual discourse) where we can ideate.  Ideation requires a less critical 
> environment than this list has been able to provide, and I think it has been 
> contributing a great deal to our inability to deal with the larger picture.  
> The exception to this are the manifestos provided by the core team, which I 
> would guess are a result of off-list ideation sessions, followed by 
> concentrated refinement.
> In the absence of an official place, it seems that there are a lot of ad-hoc 
> places where this is being done in a fragmented way.  The issue with this is 
> that, when I see “We had a long discussion on Slack”, I don’t know where this 
> Slack channel is, how to get an invite (or even if I am eligible for an 
> invite). Even if I have access to all of the places this discussion is 
> happening, it is so fractured that going back to find important bits of a 
> part of a conversation later is nearly impossible. 
> I would also like to see a place where ideas and known issues can be 
> organized and referenced.
> A structure that has worked well in member-driven organizations I have been a 
> part of in the past is that of working groups.  That is, we would larger 
> identify areas of interest for the future development of swift (e.g. 
> Strings), and then spawn a separate list or discourse section for deeper 
> discussion (anyone who is interested could join).  The group’s mandate would 
> be to work through the big picture surrounding that issue (including an 
> ideation stage) and develop a resulting manifesto.  That manifesto should be 
> an evolving document with known issues that need to be solved, and a record 
> of attempted solutions which failed and the reason for their failure.
> I think this structure would take some pressure off of the core team and 
> allow deep thinking on important topics.  It would free the main list to 
> focus on specific proposals based on the guideposts provided by the 
> manifestos.  Discussions like the Great Access Modifier War would have been 
> contained to a working group, with the main list only receiving a 
> recommendation at the end.
>>> Concern #2 is that it’s hard to know what to do with a proposal when the 
>>> ideal answer is “we need to see how it plays out in practice and then 
>>> decide whether to accept it.” Theoretical discussion untempered by 
>>> practical prototyping is a great way for a group to talk itself into a bad 
>>> idea. (This will especially be a problem with future work to build out 
>>> generics & existentials.)
>> I agree.  Do you have specific thoughts here on what could be done 
>> differently?
> I think we can partially solve this by having an extra stage of “stability” 
> in our documentation.  Right now, things are either officially part of the 
> language or they aren’t (with a very short beta period between WWDC and the 
> Fall).  What I would like to see in the documentation is a notion of how sure 
> we are of a particular piece of API or syntax.
> Unstable - This is actively under development/design and should be expected 
> to change. It is not safe to build frameworks on top of this.
> Pre-Stable - We think we have a design which works, but we need to see how it 
> works in the larger ecosystem before guaranteeing stability.  Anything built 
> on this should be prepared for potentially large changes in the future, and 
> be marked “Pre-Stable” themselves.
> Stable - This has been extensively tested in the actual swift ecosystem and 
> proven itself a useful addition.  Any changes to this in the future are 
> guaranteed to either be source-compatible or have a full depreciation cycle. 
> It is completely safe to build on.
> I think being explicit about what we expect to change in the future, and 
> having a notion of “stable” that is truly stable will give us a lot more 
> freedom to experiment as well as room to fix our mistakes.
> Thanks,
> Jon

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