> On 23. Jun 2017, at 02:59, Kevin Ballard via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0180-string-index-overhaul.md
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0180-string-index-overhaul.md>
> Given the discussion in the original thread about potentially having Strings 
> backed by something other than utf16 code units, I'm somewhat concerned about 
> having this kind of vague `encodedOffset` that happens to be UTF16 code 
> units. If this is supposed to represent an offset into whatever code units 
> the String is backed by, then it's going to be a problem because the user 
> isn't supposed to know or care what the underlying storage for the String is.

Is that true? The String manifesto shows a design where the underlying Encoding 
and code-units are exposed.

>From the talk about String’s being backed by something that isn’t UTF-16, I 
>took that to mean that String might one-day become generic. Defaults for 
>generic parameters have been mentioned on the list before, so “String” could 
>still refer to “String<UTF16Encoding>” on OSX and maybe “String<UTF8Encoding>” 
>on Linux.

I would support a definition of encodedOffset that removed mention of UTF-16 
and phrased things in terms of String.Encoding and code-units. For example, I 
would like to be able to construct new String indices from a known index plus a 
quantity of code-units known to represent a sequence of characters:

var stringOne = “Hello,“
let stringTwo = “ world"

var idx = stringOne.endIndex
stringOne.append(contentsOf: stringTwo)
idx = String.Index(encodedOffset: idx.encodedOffset + stringTwo.codeUnits.count)
assert(idx == stringOne.endIndex)

- Karl
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