I’ve updated my strong type-alias proposal at 
<https://gist.github.com/CTMacUser/c493f775075e946efdcfd85d38473291>. There’s 3 
revisions instead of 2 because I missed a big error.

* I removed all the state-restriction stuff (but still noted as a possible 
future direction). Besides removing a lot of text, it also means that a strong 
alias of an enumeration must publish all the cases.
* Rearranged some text, screwing up the diff some more.
* Added the concept of an implementation initializer, as the default way to 
convert from the original type to the alternative.
* Casts between alternative types and/or their original type all use 
* Added “AlternativeStats” generic type to contain type-aliases to the original 
type and conversion functions without having to name that original type.

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com 

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