This idea was sparked by conversation in another thread about a more concise way to write the following:
guard let x1 = f1(), let x2 = f2(), ... else { ... } doSomething(with: x1) doSomething(with: x2) ... It was suggested to write a function that throws when an optional is nil, and then wrapping the calls to f1, f2, ... in that function, and then wrapping *those* in a do-catch block. This would both exit early in case one value was nil, and also use the values as soon as they’re available instead of needing to assign them to a temp variable first and using the temp variable. Instead of a throwing unwrap function, I am proposing a throwing unwrap operator. This operator would work like !, but instead of a fatal error when the value is nil, it would throw. struct UnwrapError: Error {} postfix operator ^? extension Optional { static postfix func ^?(optional: Optional) throws -> Wrapped { guard let wrapped = optional else { throw UnwrapError() } return wrapped } } In addition, to round this out, I think it would be helpful to be able to throw arbitrary errors, as a nil value may carry meaning that should be propagated to the rest of the program. Thus there could be a throwing nil coalescing operator, which returns the unwrapped value if non-nil, or throws the specified error if nil. infix operator ^?? extension Optional { static func ^??(lhs: Optional, rhs: Error) throws -> Wrapped { guard let wrapped = lhs else { throw rhs } return wrapped } } Thoughts? I think these would be helpful additions to allow doing something with Optionals while simultaneously exiting early in the case of a nil value — putting the unwrapping, the use, and the exiting early all on one line. Hopefully this doesn’t distract from the other important conversations happening on the mailing list! _______________________________________________ swift-evolution mailing list