> Le 3 août 2017 à 02:09, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> P.S. There's a reason why Decodable uses an initializer instead of a 
> factory-like method on the type but I can't remember what it is right now. I 
> think it's something to do with having the right result type, which would 
> have to be either 'Any' or an associated type if it wasn't just 'Self'. (And 
> if it is 'Self' then it has all the same problems as an initializer and would 
> require extra syntax.) Itai would know for sure.

For anyone interested, factory methods *can* retroactivaly be added to existing 
classes. This is how the SQLite library GRDB.swift is able to decode classes 
hierarchies like NSString, NSNumber, NSDecimalNumber, etc. from SQLite values:

The protocol for types that can instantiate from SQLite values has a factory 

    public protocol DatabaseValueConvertible {
        /// Returns a value initialized from *dbValue*, if possible.
        static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self?

Having Foundation classes implement it uses various techniques:

1. "Casting" (Data to NSData, or NSDate to Date, depending on which type 
provides the root conformance)

    // Workaround Swift inconvenience around factory methods of non-final 
    func cast<T, U>(_ value: T) -> U? {
        return value as? U
    extension NSData : DatabaseValueConvertible {
        public static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self? 
            // Use Data conformance
            guard let data = Data.fromDatabaseValue(dbValue) else {
                return nil
            return cast(data)

    // Derives Date conformance from NSDate, for example
    extension ReferenceConvertible where Self: DatabaseValueConvertible, 
Self.ReferenceType: DatabaseValueConvertible {
        public static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self? 
            return ReferenceType.fromDatabaseValue(dbValue).flatMap { cast($0) }

2. Using magic Foundation initializers (magic because the code below compiles 
even if those are not *required* initializers). Works for NSNumber, 
NSDecimalNumber, NSString:

    extension NSNumber : DatabaseValueConvertible {
        public static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self? 
            switch dbValue.storage {
            case .int64(let int64):
                return self.init(value: int64)
            case .double(let double):
                return self.init(value: double)
                return nil

    extension NSString : DatabaseValueConvertible {
        public static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self? 
            // Use String conformance
            guard let string = String.fromDatabaseValue(dbValue) else {
                return nil
            return self.init(string: string)

The magic about Foundation initializers above makes me doubt that this 
technique is general enough for Decodable to profit from it, though. Yes it 
runs on Linux, so I'm not even sure if objc runtime is required or not. I'm 
clueless ???????

Gwendal Roué

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