We can override the protocol default implementation in the extension, but the 
issue I see with default implementation in Swift is that if I pass the object 
created this way around in a type erased container (Any : Protocol1   like it 
was common for many to pass id<Protocol> around in the Objective-C days, a good 
practice IMHO) then my overrode would not be called, but the default 
implementation will be used instead. I would be far more comfortable with this 
“magic” provided for free of default implementations were dynamically 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Aug 2017, at 19:06, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 06:07 Haravikk via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On 19 Aug 2017, at 11:44, Tino Heth <2...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Am 17.08.2017 um 20:11 schrieb Haravikk via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>>>> For me the whole point of a basic protocol is that it forces me to 
>>>> implement some requirements in order to conform; I can throw a bunch of 
>>>> protocols onto a type and know that it won't compile until I've finished 
>>>> it, developers get distracted, leave things unfinished to go back to 
>>>> later, make typos etc. etc. To me declaring a conformance is a declaration 
>>>> of "my type will meet the requirements for this make, sure I do it", not 
>>>> "please, please use some magic to do this for me"; there needs to be a 
>>>> clear difference between the two.
>>> My conclusion isn't as pessimistic as yours, but I share your objections: 
>>> Mixing a normal feature (protocols) with compiler magic doesn't feel right 
>>> to me — wether it's Equatable, Hashable, Codable or Error.
>>> It's two different concepts with a shared name*, so I think even 
>>> AutoEquatable wouldn't be the right solution, and something like #Equatable 
>>> would be a much better indicator for what is happening.
>>> Besides that specific concern, I can't fight the feeling that the evolution 
>>> process doesn't work well for proposals like this:
>>> It's a feature that many people just want to have as soon as possible, and 
>>> concerns regarding the long-term effects are more or less washed away with 
>>> eagerness.
>>> - Tino
>>> * for the same reason, I have big concerns whenever someone proposes to 
>>> blur the line between tuples and arrays
>> Agreed. To be clear though; in spite of my pessimism this is a feature that 
>> I do want, but I would rather not have it at all than have it implemented in 
>> a way that hides bugs and sets a horrible precedent for the future.
> This was already touched upon during review, but to reiterate, the analogy to 
> default protocol implementations is meant specifically to address this point 
> about "hiding bugs." Yes, this feature cannot currently be implemented as a 
> default protocol implementation without magic; with better reflection 
> facilities there's a good chance that one day it might be, but that's not the 
> reason why it's being compared to default protocol implementations. The 
> reason for the comparison is that this feature only "hides bugs" like a 
> default protocol implementation "hides bugs" (in the 
> I-conformed-my-type-and-forgot-to-override-the-default-and-the-compiler-won't-remind-me-anymore
>  sense of "hiding bugs"), and the addition of default protocol 
> implementations, unless I'm mistaken, isn't even considered an API change 
> that requires Swift Evolution review.
> Given Swift's emphasis on progressive disclosure, I'm fairly confident that 
> once reflection facilities and/or code-generation facilities improve, many 
> boilerplate-y protocol requirements will be given default implementations 
> where they cannot be written today. With every advance in expressiveness, 
> more protocol requirements that cannot currently have a default 
> implementation will naturally acquire them. Since the degree to which the 
> compiler will cease to give errors about non-implementation is directly in 
> proportion to the boilerplate reduced, it's not a defect but a feature that 
> these compiler errors go away. At the moment, it is a great idea to enable 
> some of these improvements for specific common use cases before the general 
> facilites for reflection and/or code-generation are improved in later 
> versions of Swift, since the user experience would be expected to remain the 
> same once those full facilities arrive.
>> I realise I may seem to be overreacting, but I really do feel that strongly 
>> about what I fully believe is a mistake. I understand people's enthusiasm 
>> for the feature, I do; I hate boilerplate as much as the next developer, but 
>> as you say, it's not a reason to rush forward, especially when this is not 
>> something that can be easily changed later.
>> That's a big part of the problem; the decisions here are not just about 
>> trimming boilerplate for Equatable/Hashable, it's also about the potential 
>> overreach of every synthesised feature now and in the future as well.
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              • Re: ... Tino Heth via swift-evolution
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