> On Aug 19, 2017, at 3:23 AM, Georgios Moschovitis via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I am wondering, am I the only one that *strongly* prefers `yield` over 
> `await`?
> Superficially, `await` seems like the standard term, but given the fact that 
> the proposal is about coroutines, I think `yield` is actually the proper 
> name. Also, subjectively, it sounds much better/elegant to me!

Swift tends to take a pragmatic view of this kind of thing, naming features 
after their common uses rather than their formal names. For instance, there's 
no technical reason you *have* to use the error-handling features for 
errors—you could use them for routine but "special" return values like breaking 
out of a loop—but we still name things like the `Error` protocol and the `try` 
keyword in ways that emphasize their use for errors.

This feature is about coroutines, sure, but it's a coroutine feature strongly 
skewed towards use for asynchronous calls, so we prefer syntax that emphasizes 
its async-ness. When you're reading the code, the fact that you're calling a 
coroutine is not important; what's important is that the code may pause for a 
while during a given expression and run other stuff in the meantime. `await` 
says that more clearly than `yield` would.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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