On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 2:00 AM, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Andrew Trick <atr...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 20, 2017, at 6:03 PM, Taylor Swift <kelvin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> New draft of the proposal is up here: <https://github.com/kelvin13/s
>> wift-evolution/blob/patch-3/proposals/0184-improved-pointers.md>
>> Important changes start here
>> <https://github.com/kelvin13/swift-evolution/blob/patch-3/proposals/0184-improved-pointers.md#proposed-solution>
>> .
>> I have more feedback for you after discussing with Ben and Michael.
>> Under the section "Background". The retaining/releasing counts are
>> confusing because we normally talk about "+0/+1" with respect to a single
>> value. Here you're summing the reference count effect across different
>> source and destination values. I think you can drop the -1/+0/+1 from the
>> cell labels and just label the headers as "Source-Copy(+1) vs.
>> Source-Move(+0)" and "Dest-Initializing(+0)" vs. "Dest-Destroying(-1)".
> I got rid of the total counts, but I used “retaining” and “releasing”
> because the word “initialize” is already way overloaded in the document and
> using it as a category in addition to referring to the actual method family
> `initialize` and `initializeMemory` and Swift’s `init` initializers would
> just get too confusing.
>> Ben noticed that we still don't have 
>> `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer.deallocate()`.
>> Please add that as well.
> This is in the implementation and 2/3 of the API mocks; idk why it was
> lost in the detailed changes section. That was a typo I just fixed it
>> I think you should also add the default `alignedTo:Int =
>> MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment` to `UnsafeRawMutablePointer`. It is
>> effectively part of Swift's memory model... [Background: We're providing a
>> language level default guarantee of word-aligned storage. We don't want to
>> expose the platform's default alignment. There is no such thing as a
>> "maximal" alignment for all imported primitive types. We expect allocators
>> to typically provide 16-byte alignment, but when developers are relying on
>> that for correctness, we want it to be explicit. Developers usually rely on
>> word alignment so there's no value in making that explicit.]
> done and committed
>> The source breaking changes can be marked deprecated for now, but can
>> only be marked unavailable in Swift 5 mode or later.
> done and committed
>> We anticipate adding a ContiguouslyStored protocol "soon", which could be
>> used to reduce the amount of overloading on the buffer
>> `initialize`/`assign` APIs. But we need a lot more time to iterate on that
>> design and it doesn't appear that migrating to it would be source breaking
>> w.r.t. your proposal.
>> I think we would be receptive to a "non-Optional baseAddress" proposal
>> now if you or anyone else wants to pitch that. I know Dave Abrahams had a
>> working implementation at some point. That would weaken some of the
>> incentive to continue adding more convenience to buffer slices.
> Really early versions of this proposal pitched that but it didn’t go so
> well. also making baseAddress nonnillable means you don’t always have
> access to `count` when `count == 0`
>> Sorry to bring this up again, but I was not able to defend the addition
>> of `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer.deinitialize()`. It is incorrect for the
>> typical use case and doesn't appear to solve any important use case. The
>> *only* fully initializing method is `initialize(repeating:)`, but that will
>> usually be used for trivial values, which should not be deinitialized. It's
>> preferable for the user to explicitly deinitialize just the segments that
>> they know were initialized, which can be done on the base pointer. The only
>> benefit in having a `deinitialize` on the buffer is to communicate to users
>> who see the `initialize` API for the first time that it is their
>> responsibility to deinitialize if the type requires it. To that end, we
>> could add a `deinitialize(at:count:)` method, communicating the symmetry
>> with `initialize(at:from:). Naturally `index + count <= self.count`.
>> -Andy
> I don’t agree with this. If `deinitialize()` is a problem because it
> deinitializes the entire buffer, so are `moveAssign` and `moveInitialize`.
> They all assume the released buffer operand is fully initialized. `
> deinitialize()` has just as much use as the other full-buffer releasing
> methods. Just take the image buffer example there
> let pixels:Int = scanlines.map{ $0.count }.reduce(0, +)var image = 
> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Pixel>.allocate(capacity: pixels)
> var filled:Int = 0for scanline:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Pixel> in scanlines
> {
>     image.moveInitialize(at: filled, from: scanline)
>     filled += scanline.count
> }
> image.deinitialize()
> image.deallocate()
> and replace `Pixel` with a class type like `UIButton`.
> And `deinitialize(at:count:)` is bad because you’re asking for a count on
> a buffer method. `moveAssign` and `moveInitialize` can take range
> parameters because they each have a second operand that supplies the count
> number. `deinitialize` doesn’t. That means calls could end up looking
> like
> buffer.deinitialize(at: 0, count: buffer.count)
> which is exactly what we were trying to avoid in the first place.
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I’m actually gonna add to this and say it’s by design. A theme in this
proposal is the “initialize many times, deinitialize once” pattern. Every
operation that involves decrementing a reference count (except
copy-assignment because the decrement is glued with an increment) does so
on an entire buffer (repeating-assignment, move-assignment,
move-initialization). Every operation that involves incrementing a
reference count (except repeating-initialization and repeating-assignment
because they’re length-less) does so on a segment of a buffer
(copy-assignment, move-assignment, move-initialization,
copy-initialization). It matches up with real use patterns where you build
up Collections in stages, and destroy them at once.
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