I liked the polymorphic identifiers paper presented at Dynamic Languages 
Symposium 2013.


There's a lot of power in URI's that remains largely untapped in most systems.

There's not a great reason for this heterogeneity other than historical baggage.

Properly done, URI's can unify keypaths, user defaults, environment variables, 
files, network stores, databases, etc.

> On Aug 22, 2017, at 12:52 PM, Félix Cloutier via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Just leaving it out here that the iOS/macOS app experience with paths is 
> likely to be very different from the server (or system program) experience. 
> Most of your paths are relative to a container because the effective root of 
> your data is the container. I would tend to believe that a lot of your paths, 
> not while fully static, could be expressed with something like 
> "${DOCUMENTS}/static/part", where ${DOCUMENTS} is the only thing that 
> effectively changes. A system-level program just happens to use / as its 
> prefix.
> Most platforms already have some notion of file domains, which are really 
> just path prefixes (the user's home folder, the file system root, the network 
> root, etc). I think that some level of support for these would be desirable 
> (would it be only a set of functions that return different path prefixes). 
> It's also my humble opinion that tilde expansion should be part of a larger 
> shell expansion feature to avoid surprises.
> I think that I support the conclusion.
> Félix
> Le 22 août 2017 à 12:02, Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com> a écrit :
>> I suppose, if you squint at it weirdly.
>> My current Path API is a “Path” protocol, with “AbsolutePath” and 
>> “RelativePath” struct versions. The protocol defines a path to be an array 
>> of path components. The only real difference between an AbsolutePath and a 
>> RelativePath is that all file system operations would only take an 
>> AbsolutePath. A URL would also only provide an AbsolutePath as its “path” 
>> bit.
>> public enum PathComponent {
>>     case this // “."
>>     case up   // “..” 
>>     case item(name: String, extension: String?)
>> }
>> public protocol Path {   
>>     var components: Array<PathComponent> { get }
>>     init(_ components: Array<PathComponent>) // used on protocol extensions 
>> that mutate paths, such as appending components
>> }
>> public struct AbsolutePath: Path { }
>> public struct RelativePath: Path { }
>> By separating out the concept of an Absolute and a Relative path, I can put 
>> additional functionality on each one to make semantic sense (you cannot 
>> concatenate two absolute paths, but you can concat any path with a relative 
>> path, for example). Or all file system operations must take an AbsolutePath. 
>> One of the key things I realized is that a “Path” type should not be 
>> ExpressibleByStringLiteral, because you cannot statically determine if a 
>> Path should be absolute or relative. However, one of the initializers for an 
>> AbsolutePath would handle things like expanding a tilde, and both types try 
>> to reduce a set of components as much as possible (by filtering out “.this” 
>> components, and handling “.up” components where possible, etc). Also in my 
>> experience, it’s fairly rare to want to deal with a known-at-compile-time, 
>> hard-coded path. Usually you’re dealing with paths relative to known 
>> “containers” that are determined at runtime (current user’s home folder, 
>> app’s sandboxed documents directory, etc).
>> Another thing I’ve done is that no direct file system operations exist on 
>> AbsolutePath (like “.exists” or “.createDirectory(…)” or whatever); those 
>> are still on FileManager/FileHandle/etc in the form of extensions to handle 
>> the new types. In my app, a path is just a path, and it only has meaning 
>> based on the thing that is using it. An AbsolutePath for a URL is used 
>> differently than an AbsolutePath on a file system, although they are 
>> represented with the same “AbsolutePath” type.
>> I’m not saying this is a perfect API of course, or even that a hypothetical 
>> stdlib-provided Path should mimic this. I’m just saying that for my 
>> use-case, this has vastly simplified how I deal with paths, because both URL 
>> and String smell really bad for what I’m doing.
>> Dave
>>> On Aug 22, 2017, at 12:37 PM, Taylor Swift <kelvin1...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:kelvin1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> So are you saying we need three distinct “URI” types for local-absolute, 
>>> local-relative, and remote? That’s a lot of API surface to support.
>>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:del...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> I completely agree. URL packs a lot of punch, but IMO it’s the wrong 
>>> abstraction for file system paths.
>>> I maintain an app that deals a lot with file system paths, and using URL 
>>> has always felt cumbersome, but String is the absolute wrong type to use. 
>>> Lately as I’ve been working on it, I’ve been experimenting with a concrete 
>>> “Path” type, similar to PathKit (https://github.com/kylef/PathKit/ 
>>> <https://github.com/kylef/PathKit/>). Working in terms of AbsolutePath and 
>>> RelativePath (what I’ve been calling things) has been extremely refreshing, 
>>> because it allows me to better articulate the kind of data I’m dealing 
>>> with. URL doesn’t handle pure-relative paths very well, and it’s always a 
>>> bit of a mystery how resilient I need to be about checking .isFileURL or 
>>> whatever. All the extra properties (port, user, password, host) feel hugely 
>>> unnecessary as well.
>>> Dave
>>>> On Aug 20, 2017, at 11:23 PM, Félix Cloutier via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not convinced that URLs are the appropriate abstraction for a file 
>>>> system path. For the record, I'm not a fan of existing Foundation methods 
>>>> that create objects from an URL. There is a useful and fundamental 
>>>> difference between a local path and a remote path, and conflating the two 
>>>> has been a security pain point in many languages and frameworks that allow 
>>>> it. Examples include remote file inclusion in PHP and malicious doctypes 
>>>> in XML. Windows also had its share of issues with UNC paths.
>>>> Even when loading an arbitrary URL looks innocuous, many de-anonymizing 
>>>> hacks work by causing a program to access an URL controlled by an attacker 
>>>> to make it disclose the user's IP address or some other identifier.
>>>> IMO, this justifies that there should be separate types to handle local 
>>>> and remote resources, so that at least developers have to be explicit 
>>>> about allowing remote resources. This makes a new URL type less necessary 
>>>> towards supporting file I/O.
>>>> Félix
>>>>> Le 20 août 2017 à 21:37, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>>>>> Okay so a few days ago there was a discussion 
>>>>> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20170814/038923.html>
>>>>>  about getting pure swift file system support into Foundation or another 
>>>>> core library, and in my opinion, doing this requires a total overhaul of 
>>>>> the `URL` type (which is currently little more than a wrapper for NSURL), 
>>>>> so I’ve just started a pure Swift URL library project at 
>>>>> <https://github.com/kelvin13/url <https://github.com/kelvin13/url>>.
>>>>> The library’s parsing and validation core (~1K loc pure swift) is already 
>>>>> in place and functional; the goal is to eventually support all of the 
>>>>> Foundation URL functionality.
>>>>> The new `URL` type is implemented as a value type with utf8 storage 
>>>>> backed by an array buffer. The URLs are just 56 bytes long each, so they 
>>>>> should be able to fit into cache lines. (NSURL by comparison is over 128 
>>>>> bytes in size; it’s only saved by the fact that the thing is passed as a 
>>>>> reference type.)
>>>>> As I said, this is still really early on and not a mature library at all 
>>>>> but everyone is invited to observe, provide feedback, or contribute!
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