I don’t think the examples are 100% equivalent. In your version with the Future 
library, preprocessImage and translate need to accept futures as argument, 
correct? That’s more restrictive than in my example code where async/await 
specifically provide sugar over then. Plus I don’t understand why you mention 
that the Future version handles errors when async/await also plays very nicely 
with errors.

> On 29 Aug 2017, at 10:22, Howard Lovatt <howard.lov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @David,
> Using the `Future` library based on GCD that I have previously posted your 
> example would be:
> let image = preprocessImage(downloadImage()) // These first two lines run in 
> parallel
> let text = translate(downloadText())
> render(image: image.get ?? defaultImage, text: text.get ?? defaultText)
> The main difference, and I would argue an improvement, is that the `Future` 
> version handles errors.
> So what advantage does async/await have over a `Future` library we can write 
> today?
>   -- Howard.
> On 29 August 2017 at 15:28, David Hart via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On 29 Aug 2017, at 02:22, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 16:10 Adam Kemp via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> I know what the proposal said. I’m making a case that there is value in 
>> doing it differently.
>> The composability of futures is valuable. Mixing and matching async/await 
>> with futures is also valuable. The queue-returning behavior that you can get 
>> from futures is also valuable, and building async/await on top of futures 
>> means async/await can get that for free.
>> Why couldn't you mix and match async/await and futures and get the 
>> queue-return behavior of futures if futures are built on top of async/await 
>> instead off the other way around?
> We could, but the syntax is much worse. Contrast:
> async/await built on top of Futures
> let image = preprocessImage(downloadImage())
> let text = translate(downloadText())
> await render(image: image, text: text)
> Futures built on top of async/await
> let image = Future(downloadImage).then({ preprocessImage($0) })
> let text = Future(downloadText).then({ translate($0) })
> await render(image: image.get(), text: text.get())
>> Maybe you don’t value those things, which is fine. But I do, and maybe other 
>> people do too. That’s why we’re having a discussion about it.
>> It can also be valuable having a minimal implementation, but we have to 
>> acknowledge that it comes with a downside as well. The problem with doing a 
>> minimal implementation is that you can be stuck with the consequences for a 
>> long time. I want to make sure that we’re not stuck with the consequences of 
>> a minimal implementation that doesn’t adequately address the problems that 
>> async/await should be addressing. I’d hate for Swift to get an async/await 
>> that is so weak that it has to be augmented by tedious boilerplate code 
>> before it’s useful.
>>> On Aug 28, 2017, at 1:54 PM, Wallacy <walla...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:walla...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> We don't need to this now!
>>> Again: (Using proposal words)
>>> "It is important to understand that this is proposing compiler support that 
>>> is completely concurrency runtime-agnostic. This proposal does not include 
>>> a new runtime model (like "actors") - it works just as well with GCD as 
>>> with pthreads or another API. Furthermore, unlike designs in other 
>>> languages, it is independent of specific coordination mechanisms, such as 
>>> futures or channels, allowing these to be built as library feature"
>>> and
>>> "This proposal does not formally propose a Future type, or any other 
>>> coordination abstractions. There are many rational designs for futures, and 
>>> a lot of experience working with them. On the other hand, there are also 
>>> completely different coordination primitives that can be used with this 
>>> coroutine design, and incorporating them into this proposal only makes it 
>>> larger."
>>> and
>>> We focus on task-based concurrency abstractions commonly encountered in 
>>> client and server applications, particularly those that are highly event 
>>> driven (e.g. responding to UI events or requests from clients). This does 
>>> not attempt to be a comprehensive survey of all possible options, nor does 
>>> it attempt to solve all possible problems in the space of concurrency. 
>>> Instead, it outlines a single coherent design thread that can be built over 
>>> the span of years to incrementally drive Swift to further greatness. 
>>> and
>>> This proposal has been kept intentionally minimal, but there are many 
>>> possible ways to expand this in the future.
>>> ....
>>> The point is: No Future type is indeed proposed yet!
>>> The proposal try to include de "minimum" required to implement a basic 
>>> async/await to solve the problem created by the GCD! (Pyramid of doom)
>>> The question is: How do you do the same using dispatch_async ? 
>>> dispatch_async also does not return nothing to do what you are intentend do 
>>> do!
>>> Algo, by Swift 5 manifesto, there's no compromise to make a "complete" 
>>> concurrency model by this time!
>>> My intention is only make parity to dispatch_async, but also make the 
>>> ground free to make more complex implementation like Futures in another 
>>> round on top of this one.
>>> This 'async T' can be a real type in the future? Maybe will... But doesn't 
>>> matter now! Now we only need to is some kind of type which need to be 
>>> unwrapped using await before use. Maybe this intermediary/virtual type can 
>>> be a real thing and gain some abilities at some point! Maybe a full Future 
>>> type, why not?
>>> Em seg, 28 de ago de 2017 às 17:33, Adam Kemp <adam.k...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:adam.k...@apple.com>> escreveu:
>>> How would these anonymous types get composed? If I wanted to implement a 
>>> function that takes a collection of futures and wait on it, how would I do 
>>> that? That is, how would I implement the equivalent of C#’s Task.WhenAll 
>>> and Task.WhenAny methods?
>>> More generally, how do you pass one of these typeless futures to some other 
>>> function so that we can do the waiting there?
>>>> On Aug 28, 2017, at 1:23 PM, Wallacy <walla...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:walla...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> And that's why I (and others) are suggesting:
>>>> func processImageData1a() async -> Image {
>>>>   let dataResource  = async loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") // No 
>>>> future type here... Just another way to call dispatch_async under the hood.
>>>>   let imageResource = async loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>>   // ... other stuff can go here to cover load latency...
>>>>   let imageTmp    = await decodeImage(dataResource, imageResource) // 
>>>> Compiles force await call here...
>>>>   let imageResult = await dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp)
>>>>   return imageResult
>>>> }
>>>> And now we gain all advantages of async/await again without to handle with 
>>>> one more type.
>>>> Em seg, 28 de ago de 2017 às 17:07, Adam Kemp via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> escreveu:
>>>> I think the biggest tradeoff is clearer when you look at the examples from 
>>>> the proposal where futures are built on top of async/await:
>>>> func processImageData1a() async -> Image {
>>>>   let dataResource  = Future { await loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") }
>>>>   let imageResource = Future { await loadWebResource("imagedata.dat") }
>>>>   // ... other stuff can go here to cover load latency...
>>>>   let imageTmp    = await decodeImage(dataResource.get(), 
>>>> imageResource.get())
>>>>   let imageResult = await dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp)
>>>>   return imageResult
>>>> }
>>>> With this approach you have to wrap each call site to create a future. 
>>>> Compare to this:
>>>> func processImageData1a() -> Future<Image> {
>>>>   let dataResourceFuture  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt”);
>>>>   let imageResourceFuture = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat”);
>>>>   // ... other stuff can go here to cover load latency...
>>>>   let imageTmp    = await decodeImage(await dataResourceFuture, await 
>>>> imageResourceFuture)
>>>>   let imageResult = await dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp)
>>>>   return imageResult
>>>> }
>>>> Here, not only are the explicit wrappers gone, but this function itself 
>>>> can be used with either await or as a future. You get both options with 
>>>> one implementation.
>>>> As I’ve mentioned before, C#’s implementation is not tied to any one 
>>>> particular futures implementation. The Task type is commonly used, but 
>>>> async/await does not directly depend on Task. Instead it works with any 
>>>> return type that meets certain requirements (detailed here: 
>>>> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/pfxteam/2011/01/13/await-anything/ 
>>>> <https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/pfxteam/2011/01/13/await-anything/>). 
>>>> Swift could do this using a protocol, which can be retroactively applied 
>>>> using an extension.
>>>> Obviously for this to be useful we would need some kind of existing future 
>>>> implementation, but at least we wouldn’t be tied to any particular one. 
>>>> That would mean library maintainers who have already been using their own 
>>>> futures implementations could quickly adopt async/await in their code 
>>>> without having to rewrite their futures library or throw wrappers around 
>>>> every usage of async/await. They could just adopt a protocol (using an 
>>>> extension, even) and get async/await support for free.
>>>> The downside is that this feature would be specific to the async/await use 
>>>> case rather than a generic coroutine implementation (i.e., there would 
>>>> have to be a separate compiler transform for yield return). It’s not clear 
>>>> to me why it should be a goal to have just one generic coroutine feature. 
>>>> The real-world usages of async/await and yield return are different enough 
>>>> that I’m not convinced we could have a single compiler feature that meets 
>>>> the needs of both cleanly.
>>>>> On Aug 27, 2017, at 7:35 PM, Florent Vilmart <flor...@flovilmart.com 
>>>>> <mailto:flor...@flovilmart.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Adam, you’re completely right, languages as c# and JS have been through 
>>>>> the path before, (callback, Promises , async/await) I believe Chris’s 
>>>>> goal it to avoid building a promise implementation and go straight to a 
>>>>> coroutines model, which is more deeply integrated with the compiler. I 
>>>>> don’t see a particular trade off, pursuing that route, and the main 
>>>>> benefit is that coroutines can power any asynchronous metaphor (Signals, 
>>>>> Streams, Futures, Promises etc...) which is not true of Futures so i 
>>>>> would tend to think that for the long run, and to maximize usability, 
>>>>> async/await/yield would probably be the way to go.
>>>>> On Aug 27, 2017, 22:22 -0400, Adam Kemp <adam.k...@apple.com 
>>>>> <mailto:adam.k...@apple.com>>, wrote:
>>>>>> As has been explained, futures can be built on top of async/await (or 
>>>>>> the other way around). You can have the best of both worlds. We are not 
>>>>>> losing anything by having this feature. It would be a huge improvement 
>>>>>> to have this as an option. 
>>>>>> However, using futures correctly requires more nested closures than you 
>>>>>> have shown in your examples to avoid blocking any threads. That's why 
>>>>>> you're not seeing the advantage to async/await. You're comparing 
>>>>>> examples that have very different behaviors.
>>>>>> That said, I have also expressed my opinion that it is better to build 
>>>>>> async/await on top of futures rather than the other way around. I 
>>>>>> believe it is more powerful and cleaner to make async/await work with 
>>>>>> any arbitrary future type (via a protocol). The alternative (building 
>>>>>> futures on top of async/await) requires more code when the two are 
>>>>>> mixed. I very much prefer how it's done in C#, where you can freely mix 
>>>>>> the two models without having to resort to ad-hoc wrappers, and you can 
>>>>>> use async/await with any futures implementation you might already be 
>>>>>> using.
>>>>>> I really think we should be having more discussion about the tradeoffs 
>>>>>> between those two approaches, and I'm concerned that some of the 
>>>>>> opinions about how C# does it are not based on a clear and accurate 
>>>>>> understanding of how it actually works in that language. 
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Adam Kemp
>>>>>> On Aug 27, 2017, at 6:02 PM, Howard Lovatt <howard.lov...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:howard.lov...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The async/await is very similar to the proposed Future (as I posed 
>>>>>>> earlier) with regard to completion-handler code, they both re-write the 
>>>>>>> imported completion-handler function using a closure, the relevant 
>>>>>>> sentence from the Async Proposal is:
>>>>>>> "Under the hood, the compiler rewrites this code using nested closures 
>>>>>>> ..."
>>>>>>> Unlike the proposed future code the async code is not naturally 
>>>>>>> parallel, in the running example the following lines from the async 
>>>>>>> code are run in series, i.e. await blocks:
>>>>>>>   let dataResource  = await loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
>>>>>>>   let imageResource = await loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>>>>> The equivalent lines using the proposed Future:
>>>>>>>   let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
>>>>>>>   let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>>>>> Run in parallel and therefore are potentially faster assuming that 
>>>>>>> resources, like cores and IO, are available.
>>>>>>> Therefore you would be better using a Future than an async, so why 
>>>>>>> provide an async unless you can make a convincing argument that it 
>>>>>>> allows you to write a better future?
>>>>>>>   -- Howard.
>>>>>>> On 28 August 2017 at 09:59, Adam Kemp <adam.k...@apple.com 
>>>>>>> <mailto:adam.k...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> This example still has nested closures (to create a Future), and still 
>>>>>>> relies on a synchronous get method that will block a thread. 
>>>>>>> Async/await does not require blocking any threads.
>>>>>>> I’m definitely a fan of futures, but this example isn’t even a good 
>>>>>>> example of using futures. If you’re using a synchronous get method then 
>>>>>>> you’re not using futures properly. They’re supposed to make it easy to 
>>>>>>> avoid writing blocking code. This example just does the blocking call 
>>>>>>> on some other thread.
>>>>>>> Doing it properly would show the benefits of async/await because it 
>>>>>>> would require more nesting and more complex error handling. By 
>>>>>>> simplifying the code you’ve made a comparison between proper 
>>>>>>> asynchronous code (with async/await) and improper asynchronous code 
>>>>>>> (your example).
>>>>>>> That tendency to want to just block a thread to make it easier is 
>>>>>>> exactly why async/await is so valuable. You get simple code while still 
>>>>>>> doing it correctly. 
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Adam Kemp
>>>>>>> On Aug 27, 2017, at 4:00 PM, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution 
>>>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The running example used in the white paper coded using a Future is:
>>>>>>>> func processImageData1() -> Future<Image> {
>>>>>>>>     return AsynchronousFuture { _ -> Image in
>>>>>>>>         let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") // 
>>>>>>>> dataResource and imageResource run in parallel.
>>>>>>>>         let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>>>>>>         let imageTmp      = decodeImage(dataResource.get ?? 
>>>>>>>> Resource(path: "Default data resource or prompt user"), 
>>>>>>>> imageResource.get ?? Resource(path: "Default image resource or prompt 
>>>>>>>> user"))
>>>>>>>>         let imageResult   =  dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp.get ?? 
>>>>>>>> Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt user", imagePath: "Default 
>>>>>>>> image or prompt user"))
>>>>>>>>         return imageResult.get ?? Image(dataPath: "Default image or 
>>>>>>>> prompt user", imagePath: "Default image or prompt user")
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> This also avoids the pyramid of doom; the pyramid is avoided by 
>>>>>>>> converting continuation-handlers into either a sync or future, i.e. it 
>>>>>>>> is the importer that eliminates the nesting by translating the code 
>>>>>>>> automatically. 
>>>>>>>> This example using Future also demonstrates three advantages of 
>>>>>>>> Future: they are naturally parallel (dataResource and imageResource 
>>>>>>>> lines run in parallel), they timeout automatically (get returns nil if 
>>>>>>>> the Future has taken too long), and if there is a failure (for any 
>>>>>>>> reason including timeout) it provides a method of either detecting the 
>>>>>>>> failure or providing a default (get returns nil on failure). 
>>>>>>>> There are a three of other advantages a Future has that this example 
>>>>>>>> doesn’t show: control over which thread the Future runs on, Futures 
>>>>>>>> can be cancelled, and debugging information is available.
>>>>>>>> You could imagine `async` as a syntax sugar for Future, e.g. the above 
>>>>>>>> Future example could be:
>>>>>>>> func processImageData1() async -> Image {
>>>>>>>>     let dataResource  = loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") // 
>>>>>>>> dataResource and imageResource run in parallel.
>>>>>>>>     let imageResource = loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")
>>>>>>>>     let imageTmp      = decodeImage(dataResource.get ?? Resource(path: 
>>>>>>>> "Default data resource or prompt user"), imageResource.get ?? 
>>>>>>>> Resource(path: "Default image resource or prompt user"))
>>>>>>>>     let imageResult   =  dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp.get ?? 
>>>>>>>> Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt user", imagePath: "Default 
>>>>>>>> image or prompt user"))
>>>>>>>>     return imageResult.get ?? Image(dataPath: "Default image or prompt 
>>>>>>>> user", imagePath: "Default image or prompt user")
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Since an async is sugar for Future the async runs as soon as it is 
>>>>>>>> created (as soon as the underlying Future is created) and get returns 
>>>>>>>> an optional (also cancel and status would be still be present). Then 
>>>>>>>> if you want control over threads and timeout they could be arguments 
>>>>>>>> to async:
>>>>>>>> func processImageData1() async(queue: DispatchQueue.main, timeout: 
>>>>>>>> .seconds(5)) -> Image { ... }
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 11:00 pm, Florent Vilmart 
>>>>>>>> <flor...@flovilmart.com <mailto:flor...@flovilmart.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Howard, with async / await, the code is flat and you don’t have to 
>>>>>>>> unowned/weak self to prevent hideous cycles in the callbacks.
>>>>>>>> Futures can’t do that
>>>>>>>> On Aug 26, 2017, 04:37 -0400, Goffredo Marocchi via swift-evolution 
>>>>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>>, wrote:
>>>>>>>>> With both he now built in promises in Node8 as well as libraries like 
>>>>>>>>> Bluebird there was ample time to evaluate them and convert/auto 
>>>>>>>>> convert at times libraries that loved callback pyramids of doom when 
>>>>>>>>> the flow grows complex into promise based chains. Converting to 
>>>>>>>>> Promises seems magical for the simple case, but can quickly descend 
>>>>>>>>> in hard to follow flows and hard to debug errors when you move to non 
>>>>>>>>> trivial multi path scenarios. JS is now solving it with their 
>>>>>>>>> implementation of async/await, but the point is that without the full 
>>>>>>>>> picture any single solution would break horribly in real life 
>>>>>>>>> scenarios.
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>> On 26 Aug 2017, at 06:27, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution 
>>>>>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> My argument goes like this:
>>>>>>>>>>   1. You don't need async/await to write a powerful future type; you 
>>>>>>>>>> can use the underlying threads just as well, i.e. future with 
>>>>>>>>>> async/await is no better than future without. 
>>>>>>>>>>   2. Since future is more powerful, thread control, cancel, and 
>>>>>>>>>> timeout, people should be encouraged to use this; instead because 
>>>>>>>>>> async/await are language features they will be presumed, 
>>>>>>>>>> incorrectly, to be the best way, consequently people will get into 
>>>>>>>>>> trouble with deadlocks because they don't have control.
>>>>>>>>>>   3. async/await will require some engineering work and will at best 
>>>>>>>>>> make a mild syntax improvement and at worst lead to deadlocks, 
>>>>>>>>>> therefore they just don't carry their weight in terms of useful 
>>>>>>>>>> additions to Swift.
>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, save some engineering effort and just provide a future 
>>>>>>>>>> library.
>>>>>>>>>> To turn the question round another way, in two forms:
>>>>>>>>>>   1. What can async/wait do that a future can't?
>>>>>>>>>>   2. How will future be improved if async/await is added?
>>>>>>>>>>   -- Howard.
>>>>>>>>>> On 26 August 2017 at 02:23, Joe Groff <jgr...@apple.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:jgr...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 25, 2017, at 12:34 AM, Howard Lovatt 
>>>>>>>>>>> <howard.lov...@gmail.com <mailto:howard.lov...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>  In particular a future that is cancellable is more powerful that 
>>>>>>>>>>> the proposed async/await.
>>>>>>>>>> It's not more powerful; the features are to some degree disjoint. 
>>>>>>>>>> You can build a Future abstraction and then use async/await to sugar 
>>>>>>>>>> code that threads computation through futures. Getting back to 
>>>>>>>>>> Jakob's example, someone (maybe the Clang importer, maybe Apple's 
>>>>>>>>>> framework developers in an overlay) will still need to build 
>>>>>>>>>> infrastructure on top of IBActions and other currently ad-hoc 
>>>>>>>>>> signalling mechanisms to integrate them into a more expressive 
>>>>>>>>>> coordination framework.
>>>>>>>>>> -Joe
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> -- Howard.
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