> On 31 Aug 2017, at 23:50, Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com> wrote:
> wonder if I need to go back to school for a degree in Math just to understand 
> what’s going on.

To be fair, that’s probably the case. The project is quite extreme (an 
implementation of System F, I think Robert Widmann did one in Swift as well), 
and I can’t understand it either regardless of syntax. But the point of the 
example still stands: To show how extreme you can go with unicode. And from it, 
spark some discussion.

I agree that using unicode syntax is a higher barrier for entry, which goes 
against the goal of swift to be an easy to learn language.

Nevertheless, I disagree with your matrix example. We already use things like 
`+` for “things that we can add together` whatever `add` might mean. So the 
same operator is used for (Int, Int) -> Int as for (Double, Double) -> Double. 
I do not think it’s a stretch to expect users to know that matrices are 
“addable” togethers. Moreover, I would expect that a matrix API provides both 
an infix operator as well as a named function for manipulating matrices.

Furthermore, I would argue that using `+` for matrices is more consistent than 
the current definition of `+`. 
Indeed, the operator `+` is both used for combining numbers and combining 
arrays/strings. The inconsistency comes from the fact that it is expected that 
`+` is a commutative operator, but concatenation is not a commutative 
operation. Therefore the semantics of `+` varies depending on the types that 
it’s used on. And, in my opinion, this inconsistency is to be avoided when 
dealing with operators. Not to mention that nothing prevent a library to 
override `+` with any nonsensical behaviour.

Something I could imagine is deprecate operator overloading and constrain them 
to a single Type. For example, the operator `+` could be constrained to the 
protocol `Addable` and has the signature `infix func + (Self, Self) -> Self` 
and is commutative. Similarly, we could have a protocol `Concatenable` which 
has its own operator (e.g.: ++ ) and is not commutative. (those are secretely 
`CommutativeMonoid` and `Monoid`). This would allow different operators to 
represent different semantics and have them (loosely) enforced, so that nobody 
can declare something unexpected like `func + (Int, Array) -> ()`.

In conclusion, I think that the current state of operators should be improved 
in some way, regardless of better support for unicode or not. I realise my 
stance is quite extreme but I think that it is valuable to talk about it.
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