The desired behavior was the major topic of controversy during review; I’m
wary of revisiting this topic as we are essentially relitigating the

To start off, the premise, if I recall, going into review was that the
author **rejected** the notion that pattern matching should mirror
creation. I happen to agree with you on this point, but it was not the
prevailing argument. Fortunately, we do not need to settle this to arrive
at some clarity for the issues at hand.

>From a practical standpoint, a requirement for labels in all cases would be
much more source-breaking, whereas the proposal as it stands would allow
currently omitted labels to continue being valid. Moreover, and I think
this is a worthy consideration, one argument for permitting the omission of
labels during pattern matching is to encourage API designers to use labels
to clarify initialization without forcing its use by API consumers during
every pattern matching operation.

In any case, the conclusion reached is precedented in the world of

func g(a: Int, b: Int) { ... }
let f = g
f(1, 2)

On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 15:13 Robert Widmann via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> Hello Swift Evolution,
> I took up the cause of implementing SE-0155
> <>,
> and am most of the way through the larger points of the proposal.  One
> thing struck me when I got to the part about normalizing the behavior of
> pattern matching
> <>.
> The Core Team indicated in their rationale
> <>
>  that
> the proposal’s suggestion that a variable binding sub in for a label was a
> little much as in this example:
> enum Foo {
>   case foo(x: Int, y: Int)
> }
> if case let .foo(x: x, y: y) {} // Fine!  Labels match and are in order
> if case let .foo(x, y: y) {} // Bad!  Missing label 'x'
> if case let .foo(x, y) {} // Fine?  Missing labels, but variable names
> match labels
> They instead suggested the following behavior:
> enum Foo {
>   case foo(x: Int, y: Int)
> }
> if case let .foo(x: x, y: y) {} // Fine!  Labels match and are in order
> if case let .foo(x, y: y) {} // Bad!  Missing label 'x'
> if case let .foo(x, y) {} // Fine?  Missing labels, and full name of case
> is unambiguous
> Which, for example, would reject this:
> enum Foo {
>   case foo(x: Int, y: Int) // Note: foo(x:y:)
>   case foo(x: Int, z: Int) // Note: foo(x:z:)
> }
> if case let .foo(x, y) {} // Bad!  Are we matching foo(x:y:) or foo(x:z:)?
> With this reasoning:
>  - While an associated-value label can indeed contribute to the readability 
> of the pattern, the programmer can also choose a meaningful name to bind to 
> the associated value.  This binding name can convey at least as much 
> information as a label would.
>   - The risk of mis-labelling an associated value grows as the number of 
> associated values grows.  However, very few cases carry a large number of 
> associated values.  As the amount of information which the case should carry 
> grows, it becomes more and more interesting to encapsulate that information 
> in its own struct — among other reasons, to avoid the need to revise every 
> matching case-pattern in the program.  Furthermore, when a case does carry a 
> significant number of associated values, there is often a positional 
> conventional between them that lowers the risk of re-ordering: for example, 
> the conventional left-then-right ordering of a binary search tree.  Therefore 
> this risk is somewhat over-stated, and of course the programmer should remain 
> free to include labels for cases where they feel the risk is significant.
>   - It is likely that cases will continue to be predominantly distinguished 
> by their base name alone.  Methods are often distinguished by argument labels 
> because the base name identifies an entire class of operation with many 
> possible variants.  In contrast, each case of an enum is a kind of data, and 
> its name is conventionally more like the name of a property than the name of 
> a method, and thus likely to be unique among all the cases.  Even when cases 
> are distinguished using only associated value labels, it simply means that 
> the corresponding case-patterns must include those labels; we should not feel 
> required to force that burden on all other case-patterns purely to achieve 
> consistency with this presumably-unusual style.
> Accordingly, while it needs to be possible to include associated value labels 
> in a case-pattern, and in some situations it may be wise to include them, the 
> core team believes that requiring associated value labels would be unduly 
> onerous.
> This sounds fine in principle, but I believe it is inconsistent with the
> goals of the proposal and doesn’t actually normalize much about the
> existing pattern matching process.  As it stands, labels may be omitted
> from patterns because Swift’s philosophy before this proposal is that
> associated values in enum cases were conceptually tuples.  With the
> addition of default arguments, the ability to overload case names with
> differing associated value labels, and making the labels part of the API
> name, there is no reason we should allow tuple-like behavior in just this
> one case.
> While an associated-value label...
> While it is true that a user often has a domain-specific intention for
> variables created during the destructuring process, the labels do not
> distract from the original purpose of the API and the user is still free to
> provide whatever name they see fit.
> Therefore this risk is somewhat over-stated, and of course the programmer 
> should remain free to include labels for cases where they feel the risk is 
> significant...
> This is phrased as a matter of choice, in practice this is perplexing.
> Recall an earlier rejected pattern:
> enum Foo {
>   case foo(x: Int, y: Int)
> }
> if case let .foo(x, y: y) {} // Bad!  Missing label ‘x'
> From the user’s perspective, it is obvious what should happen: Either they
> did, or did not, intend to match labels.  From the compiler’s perspective
> this is a proper ambiguity.  Did the user intend to provide a “more
> meaningful name” and hence meant to elide the label, or did the user intend
> to match all the labels but forgot or deleted one?  It is not obvious why,
> if we’re making the distinction, we should assume one way or the other.
> This case only gets worse when we must diagnose intent if the case is also
> overloaded by base name.
> I don’t see how it is "unduly onerous” to teach code completion to suggest
> the full name of an enum case everywhere or to create diagnostics that
> always insert missing labels in patterns to correct the user’s mistake.
> Freedom of choice is, in this case, only making a hard problem harder.
> It is likely that cases will continue to be predominantly distinguished by 
> their base name alone...
> This makes sense given the current state of the world, but under this
> proposal we fully expect users to be overloading that base name and writing
> more and more ambiguous patterns.  We should encourage disambiguating these
> cases with labels as a matter of both principle and QoI.
> A pattern is meant to mirror the way a value was constructed with
> destructuring acting as a dual to creation.  By maintaining the structure
> of the value in the pattern, labels included, users can properly convey
> that they intend the label to be a real part of the API of an enum case
> with associated values instead of just an ancillary storage area.  Further,
> we can actually simplify pattern matching by making enum cases consistent
> with something function-like instead of tuple-like.
> To that end, I'd like the rationale and the proposal to be amended to
> require labels in patterns in all cases.
> Thoughts?
> ~Robert Widmann
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