Here is an alternative view. I've been thinking about this and I feel that 
instead of adding this to an enum why not make RawRepresentable structs a swift 

You could declare it like this:

enum struct {
   case a, b, c

This would be a struct that acts like an enum but it is open like a 
RawRepresentable but using the enum case sugar. 

> On Sep 5, 2017, at 5:37 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> It's in the "Alternatives Considered" section. :-) That was my desired design 
> when we started, but feedback convinced me that the break from Swift 4 mode 
> would be too drastic. The same valid code would have a different meaning 
> whether you were writing Swift 4 or Swift 5.
> Jordan
>> On Sep 5, 2017, at 17:30, Rod Brown <> wrote:
>> Hi Jordan,
>> I’m not sure how much bearing on this my comment will have.
>> Have you considered having only “exhaustive” as a keyword, and make the 
>> default non-exhaustive? It seems that “exhaustive" would be the rarer case, 
>> as it promises a lot more about compatibility (much like there is no such 
>> thing as “non-final”). Also, non exhaustive seems a massive mouthful despite 
>> it probably being the correct term.
>> - Rod
>>> On 6 Sep 2017, at 10:19 am, Jordan Rose <> wrote:
>>> I've taken everyone's feedback into consideration and written this up as a 
>>> proposal: 
>>>  The next step is working on an implementation, but if people have further 
>>> pre-review comments I'd be happy to hear them.
>>> Jordan
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