> Am 21.08.2017 um 22:32 schrieb Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>> On Aug 21, 2017, at 12:41 PM, Wallacy via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Based on these same concerns, how to do this using async/await ?
>> func process() -> Void) {
>>     loadWebResource("bigData.txt") { dataResource in
>>        //....
>>     }
>>     printf("BigData Scheduled to load")
>>     loadWebResource("smallData.txt") { dataResource in
>>        //....
>>     }
>>     printf("SmallData Scheduled to load")
>> }
> You would use something like the `Future` type mentioned in the proposal:
>       func process() {
>               let bigDataFuture = Future { await 
> loadWebResource("bigData.txt") }
>               print("BigData scheduled to load")
>               let smallDataFuture = Future { await 
> loadWebResource("smallData.txt") }
>               print("SmallData scheduled to load")
>               let bigDataResource = await bigDataFuture.get()
>               let smallDataResource = await smallDataFuture.get()
>               // or whatever; you could probably chain off the futures to 
> handle whichever happens first first.
>               ...
>       }

Like others have already proposed I would imagine to be able to write something 
like this (adding a return type to do something with the data).

func process() async -> (Data, Data) {
    let bigData =  async loadWebResource("bigData.txt") 
    print("BigData scheduled to load")
    let bigData =  async loadWebResource("bigData.txt") 
    print("SmallData scheduled to load")
    return await (bigData, smallData)

where bigData and smallData have the type `async Data` which has 
to be `await`ed upon to get at the `Data`.


> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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