That is in fact what the proposal states:

> Currently, adding a new case to an enum is a source-breaking change, which is 
> very inconvenient for library authors. This proposal aims to distinguish 
> between enums that are exhaustive (meaning they will never get any new cases) 
> and those that are non-exhaustive, and to ensure that clients handle any 
> future cases when dealing with the latter. This change only affects clients 
> from outside the original module.

> When a client tries to switch over a nonexhaustive enum, they must include a 
> default case unless the enum is declared in the same module as the switch.

Do you have any suggestions on how to make this clearer in the proposal?


> On Sep 15, 2017, at 21:40, Jon Shier <> wrote:
>       In that case Jordan, can Swift not treat it like open? i.e. Internally 
> to a module, unmarked enums are still exhaustive by default, but when made 
> public and used beyond the module, it becomes non-exhaustive? I think this 
> has been discussed before and perhaps discarded as confusing, but it doesn’t 
> seem to be any more confusing than open being the default internally and 
> closed the default publicly. Otherwise you’re essentially forcing what is 
> likely the vast majority of enum usage to adopt a bit of boilerplate that 
> will only be used by the vast minority of libraries (almost entirely 
> libraries shipped by Apple). 
> Jon
>> On Sep 15, 2017, at 8:07 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> Hi, Rex. I definitely agree that 'exhaustive' is the right model for a 
>> multi-module app; indeed, there's no real reason for a single project to do 
>> anything else. However, it is not always the right behavior for libraries 
>> that actually get distributed, whether as source or as binary. In this case 
>> we want to minimize the error of omission: in the app case, forgetting 
>> "exhaustive" is an annoyance that you notice and fix once across your code 
>> base, but in the library case forgetting the "default case" means putting 
>> out a source-breaking release, and for libraries that have binary 
>> compatibility constraints there's no recourse at all.
>> While most of the proposal deals with the experience we've had with the 
>> Apple SDKs (as written in Objective-C), we actually have run into this case 
>> in Swift already. The Swift Playgrounds app comes with a framework, 
>> PlaygroundSupport, that can be used from within a playground. It's important 
>> that when they upgrade the app, existing playgrounds don't break, since the 
>> end user may not have access to the entire code of the playground. (Remember 
>> that playgrounds are often authored by one developer or group, but then run 
>> and modified by someone else with a much lower skill level!) That means that 
>> PlaygroundSupport can't currently vend any enums that they expect playground 
>> authors to exhaustively switch over.
>> (And to make it even more specific—and appealing—one of the enums they were 
>> considering would be a representation of the Swift AST. This can obviously 
>> change from release to release, but previous switch statements should stay 
>> valid.)
>> Now, this is an example we know about, so we could certainly make it 
>> explicitly non-exhaustive. But in general we're in the same situation as 
>> 'open': if we want to be friendly to library authors, we need to make the 
>> default thing be the one that promises less, even if it means a bit of extra 
>> work in the "I-actually-own-everything" case.
>> Best,
>> Jordan
>>> On Sep 15, 2017, at 15:47, Rex Fenley < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hey Jordan,
>>> Thank you for the time writing this up. I've been following along to the 
>>> discussion somewhat closely and have kept silent because `exhaustive` was 
>>> originally set to be the default for enums. However, that changed and so 
>>> I'd like to voice my opinion, I frankly don't like this idea.
>>> At remind we use algebraic data types religiously for managing state and 
>>> data and rely on exhaustive pattern matching to guarantee we're handling 
>>> all states in our code. We're splitting out our code across modules and 
>>> having this guarantee has been a joy to work with.
>>> The benefit of making nonexhaustive the default for Swift 5 across all 
>>> multi-module code (besides C code) seems minimal to me. If a developer 
>>> feels like they're unnecessarily managing enum cases, they can simply add a 
>>> `default` case whenever they please. This is already the case and I'm 
>>> curious if there's every been any complaints about this and what they would 
>>> be. I'd prefer to be cautious and force exhaustive pattern matching in all 
>>> possible cases and leave it up to the developer to choose not to.
>>> Ideally in my mind, these keywords won't be necessary. All Swift enums will 
>>> remain as they are, exhaustively pattern matched by default. Enums from C 
>>> code will be explicitly nonexhaustive in all cases.
>>> -- 
>>> Rex Fenley  |  IOS DEVELOPER
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