> On Oct 4, 2017, at 9:24 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@nondot.org> wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2017, at 9:44 AM, Joe Groff <jgr...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> I disagree.  The semantics being proposed perfectly overlap with the 
>>> transitional plan for overlays (which matters for the next few years), but 
>>> they are the wrong default for anything other than overlays and the wrong 
>>> thing for long term API evolution over the next 20 years.
>> I disagree with this. 'inline' functions in C and C++ have to be backed by a 
>> symbol in the binary in order to guarantee function pointer identity, but we 
>> don't have that constraint. Without that constraint, there's almost no way 
>> that having a fallback definition in the binary is better:
>> - It becomes an ABI compatibility liability that has to be preserved 
>> forever. 
> This seems like a marginal win at all.  Saying that you want to publish a 
> symbol as public API but not have it be ABI is a bit odd.  What is the 
> usecase (other than the Swift 3/4/5 transition period)?

I think it's a bigger win than you give it credit. If the function only exists 
in client code, then the library can much more aggressively deprecate and 
remove or replace the API, since it only has to worry about source 
compatibility and not deployed binary compatibility. If introducing 
`@inlinable` later further requires new clients to emit-into-client from that 
point on, so that the in-dylib entry point only exists for backward 
compatibility, then you get a free "linked-on-or-after" boundary where you can 
fix quirks or shed compatibility behavior in the inlinable version while 
preserving it in the binary.

>> - It increases binary size for a function that's rarely used, and which is 
>> often much larger as an outlined generic function than the simple operation 
>> that can be inlined into client code. Inlining makes the most sense when the 
>> inlined operation is smaller than a function call, so in many cases the net 
>> dylib + executable size would increase.
> I can see this argument, but you’re basically saying that a sufficiently 
> smart programmer can optimize code size based on (near) perfect knowledge of 
> the symbol and all clients.  I don’t think this is realistic for a number of 
> reasons.  In general, an API vendor has no way to know:
> 1) how many clients it will have, potentially in multiple modules that get 
> linked into a single app.
> 2) on which types a generic function will be used with.
> 3) what the code size tradeoffs ARE, e.g. if you have a large function that 
> doesn’t use the archetype much, there is low bloat.
> Furthermore, we have evidence from the C++ community that people are very 
> eager to mark lots of things inlinable regardless of the cost of doing so.  
> Swift may end up being different, but programmers still have no general way 
> to reason about code size given their declaration and without perfect 
> knowledge of the clients.
> The code of the approach I’m advocating is one *single* implementation gets 
> generated in the module that defines the decl.  This can lead the N 
> instantiations of exactly the same unspecialized code (consider the currying 
> and other cases) in N different modules that end up in an app.  This seems 
> like the right tradeoff.

If we're talking about inlinable functions, then we're already talking about 
functions generally on the small end of the scale, so duplication is less of an 
issue. Furthermore, the duplication hazard only exists at dylib boundaries, 
since among static libraries we can still instantiate all the different 
instantiations of the function as ODR and let the linker fold them. For most 
apps there aren't going to be that many of those boundaries.

>> - It increases the uncertainty of the behavior client code sees. If an 
>> inlinable function must always be emitted in the client, then client code 
>> *always* gets the current definition. If an inlinable function calls into 
>> the dylib when the compiler chooses not to inline it, then you may get the 
>> current definition, or you may get an older definition from any published 
>> version of the dylib. Ideally these all behave the same if the function is 
>> inlinable, but quirks are going to be inevitable.
> You’re saying that “if an API author incorrectly changes the behavior of 
> their inlinable function” that your approach papers over the bug a little bit 
> better.  I don’t see this as something that is important to design around.  
> Not least of which because it will produce other inconsistencies: what if a 
> binary module A is built against the old version of that inlinable function 
> and you app builds against a newer version?  Then you have the two 
> inconsistent versions in your app again.
> More generally though, an API vendor who does this has broken the 
> fragile/inlinable contract, and they therefore invoked undefined behavior - 
> c'est la vie.

The contract doesn't need to be nearly as strict with emitted-into-client code, 
though, since you can make fixes or behavior changes that only take hold when 
you recompile with a newer version of the library, linked-on-or-after style.

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