Right, but if you do look it up you get a bunch of things talking about sorting 

How about pairwiseEqual?

Adam Kemp

> On Oct 13, 2017, at 5:17 AM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> “Lexicographical comparison” is a pretty standard term, and easy to Google. 
> We didn’t make it up for Swift :)
> Since Swift names this protocol Sequence, something named 
> “Sequence.sequenceEqual” cannot distinguish this method from ==.
>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 01:28 Adam Kemp <adam.k...@apple.com> wrote:
>> I agree that the proposed name is a poor choice. If we just focus on the 
>> naming part, there is precedent in other languages for the name 
>> “sequenceEqual”. I think that name makes it a bit clearer that the result is 
>> whether the sequences match pair wise rather than whether they have the same 
>> elements irrespective of order. I don’t think it entirely solves the 
>> problem, but I like it a lot better than the proposed name.
>> --
>> Adam Kemp
>>> On Oct 12, 2017, at 9:57 PM, Kevin Nattinger via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> –∞
>>> 1. I strongly object to the proposed name. It doesn't make it more clear to 
>>> me what the method does, and is misleading at best. Among other issues, 
>>> "lexicographical" is defined as alphabet order, and (1) this method applies 
>>> to objects that are not Strings, and (2) this method's behavior isn't any 
>>> more well-defined for Strings, so that name is even more of a lie than the 
>>> original.
>>> 2. This is really just a symptom of a bigger problem. The fact that two 
>>> Sets can compare equal and yet return different results for that method 
>>> (among too many others) is logically inconsistent and points to a much 
>>> deeper issue with Set and Sequence. It is probably about 3 releases too 
>>> late to get this straightened out properly, but I'll outline the real issue 
>>> in case someone has an idea for fixing it.
>>> The root of the problem is that Set conforms to Sequence, but Sequence 
>>> doesn't require a well-defined order. Since Set doesn't have a well-defined 
>>> order, a significant portion of its interface is unspecified. The methods 
>>> are implemented because they have to be, but they doesn't have well-defined 
>>> or necessarily consistent results.
>>> A sequence is, by definition, ordered. That is reflected in the fact that 
>>> over half the methods in the main Sequence definition* make no sense and 
>>> are not well-defined unless there is a well-defined order to the sequence 
>>> itself. What does it even mean to `dropFirst()` in a Set? The fact that two 
>>> objects that compare equal can give different results for a 100% 
>>> deterministic function is illogical, nonsensical, and dangerous.
>>> * 7/12 by my count, ignoring `_*` funcs but including the `var`
>>> The current contents of Sequence can be cleanly divided into two groups; 
>>> those that return SubSequence imply a specific ordering, and the rest do 
>>> not.
>>>  I think those should be/should have been two separate protocols:
>>> public protocol Iterable {
>>>   associatedtype Iterator: IteratorProtocol
>>>   func map<T>(...) -> [T] // Iterable where .Iterator.Element == T
>>>   func filter(...) -> [Iterator.Element] // Iterable where 
>>> .Iterator.Element == Self.Iterator.Element
>>>   func forEach(...)
>>>   func makeIterator() -> Iterator
>>>   var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
>>> }
>>> public protocol Sequence: Iterable { // Maybe OrderedSequence just to make 
>>> the well-defined-order requirement explicit
>>>   associatedtype SubSequence
>>>   func dropFirst(...)   -> SubSequence   // Sequence where 
>>> .Iterator.Element == Self.Iterator.Element
>>>   func dropLast(...)    -> SubSequence   //    " "
>>>   func drop(while...)   -> SubSequence   //    " "
>>>   func prefix(...)      -> SubSequence   //    " "
>>>   func prefix(while...) -> SubSequence   //    " "
>>>   func suffix(...)      -> SubSequence   //    " "
>>>   func split(...where...)  -> [SubSequence] // Iterable where 
>>> .Iterator.Element == (Sequence where .Iterator.Element == 
>>> Self.Iterator.Element)
>>> }
>>> (The comments, of course, would be more sensible types once the ideas can 
>>> actually be expressed in Swift)
>>> Then unordered collections (Set and Dictionary) would just conform to 
>>> Iterable and not Sequence, so ALL the methods on those classes would make 
>>> logical sense and have well-defined behavior; no change would be needed for 
>>> ordered collections.
>>> Now, the practical matter. If this were Swift 1->2 or 2->3, I doubt there 
>>> would be a significant issue with actually making this change. 
>>> Unfortunately, we're well beyond that and making a change this deep is an 
>>> enormous deal. So I see two ways forward.
>>> 1. We could go ahead and make this separation. Although it's a potentially 
>>> large breaking change, I would argue that because the methods are 
>>> ill-defined anyway, the breakage is justified and a net benefit.
>>> 2. We could try and think of a way to make the distinction between ordered 
>>> and unordered "sequences" in a less-breaking manner. Unfortunately, I don't 
>>> have a good suggestion for this, but if anyone has ideas, I'm all ears. Or 
>>> eyes, as the case may be.
>>>> On Oct 12, 2017, at 4:24 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> Rename Sequence.elementsEqual
>>>> Proposal: SE-NNNN
>>>> Authors: Xiaodi Wu
>>>> Review Manager: TBD
>>>> Status: Awaiting review
>>>> Introduction
>>>> The current behavior of Sequence.elementsEqual is potentially confusing to 
>>>> users given its name. Having surveyed the alternative solutions to this 
>>>> problem, it is proposed that the method be renamed to 
>>>> Sequence.lexicographicallyEquals.
>>>> [...]
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