> On Oct 14, 2017, at 9:59 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 11:48 PM, Jonathan Hull <jh...@gbis.com 
> <mailto:jh...@gbis.com>> wrote:
>> On Oct 14, 2017, at 9:21 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:xiaodi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 10:55 PM, Jonathan Hull <jh...@gbis.com 
>> <mailto:jh...@gbis.com>> wrote:
>>> On Oct 14, 2017, at 7:55 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> > Ordered, yes, but it’s only admittedly poor wording that suggests 
>>> > multi-pass, and I don’t think anything there suggests finite.
>>> If a Sequence is "guaranteed to iterate the same every time," then surely 
>>> it must be multi-pass; what's the alternative?
>> Single-pass, but where two dictionaries/sets with the same elements would be 
>> guaranteed to output the same ordering.
>> I'm not sure I understand. A single-pass sequence is one where iteration can 
>> happen only once because it is destructive. By definition, then, it is not 
>> guaranteed to "iterate the same" a second time. Neither sets nor 
>> dictionaries are single-pass sequences. Kevin says that his definition of a 
>> "Sequence" is something "guaranteed to iterate the same every time," which 
>> requires them to be multi-pass, does it not?
> But if I am comparing two single-pass things, the order can still be defined 
> when they compare that one time.  Single-pass doesn’t mean that the order is 
> undefined.  On the contrary, as you point out, it has a “first” thing, and 
> then a thing after that, and so on.
> Regardless, most of the objects we are talking about here are multi-pass 
> collections (e.g. sets).
> Right, but I'm trying to figure out why Kevin wants a Sequence to "iterate 
> the same every time" and in what way that's not simply a Collection.

I guess you will have to ask Kevin that.

>>  That ordering can be arbitrary, but it shouldn’t leak internal 
>> representation such that the method used to create identical things affects 
>> the outcome of generic methods because of differences in internal 
>> representation.
>>>  It would be better to say that the iteration order is well-defined. That 
>>> will almost always mean documented, and usually predictable though 
>>> obviously e.g. RNGs and iterating in random order will not be predictable 
>>> by design.
>>>> That's actually more semantically constrained than what Swift calls a 
>>>> `Collection` (which requires conforming types to be multi-pass and(?) 
>>>> finite). By contrast, Swift's `SpongeBob` protocol explicitly permits 
>>>> conforming single-pass, infinite, and/or unordered types. 
>>> I think you’re talking about Sequence here, I’ve lost track of your 
>>> nonsense by now. Yes, the current Swift protocol named Sequence allows 
>>> unordered types. You seem to keep asserting that but not actually 
>>> addressing my argument, which is that allowing Sequences to be unordered 
>>> with the current API is undesired and actively harmful, and should 
>>> therefore be changed.
>>> What is harmful about it?
>> After thinking about it, I think the harmful bit is that unordered sequences 
>> are leaking internal representation (In your example, this is causing people 
>> to be surprised when two sets with identical elements are generating 
>> different sequences/orderings based on how they were created).  You are 
>> correct when you say that this problem is even true for for-in.
>> I would not say it is a problem. Rather, by definition, iteration involves 
>> retrieving one element after another; if you're allowed to do that with Set, 
>> then the elements of a Set are observably ordered in some way. Since it's 
>> not an OrderedSet--i.e., order doesn't matter--then the only sensible 
>> conclusion is that the order of elements obtained in a for...in loop must be 
>> arbitrary. If you think this is harmful, then you must believe that one 
>> should be prohibited from iterating over an instance of Set. Otherwise, Set 
>> is inescapably a Sequence by the Swift definition of Sequence. All extension 
>> methods on Sequence like drop(while:) are really just conveniences for 
>> common things that you can do with iterated access; to my mind, they're 
>> essentially just alternative ways of spelling various for...in loops.
> I think an argument could be made that you shouldn’t be able to iterate over 
> a set without first defining an ordering on it (even if that ordering is 
> somewhat arbitrary).  Maybe we have something like a “Sequenc(e)able” 
> protocol which defines things which can be turned into a sequence when 
> combined with some sort of ordering.  One possible ordering could be the 
> internal representation (At least in that case we are calling it out 
> specifically).  If I had to say 
> “setA.arbitraryOrder.elementsEqual(setB.arbitraryOrder)” I would definitely 
> be less surprised when it returns false even though setA == setB.
> Well, that's a totally different direction, then; you're arguing that `Set` 
> and `Dictionary` should not conform to `Sequence` altogether. That's fine 
> (it's also a direction that some of us explored off-list a while ago), but at 
> this point in Swift's evolution, realistically, it's not within the realm of 
> possible changes.

I am actually suggesting something slightly different.  Basically, Set and 
Dictionary’s conformance to Collection would have a different implementation.  
They would conform to another protocol declaring that they are unordered. That 
protocol would fill in part of the conformance to sequence/collection using a 
default ordering, which is mostly arbitrary, but guaranteed to produce the same 
ordering for the same list of elements (even across collection types).  This 
would be safer, but a tiny bit slower than what we have now (We could also 
potentially develop a way for collections like set to amortize the cost). For 
those who need to recover speed, the new protocol would also define a property 
which quickly returns a sequence/iterator using the internal ordering (I 
arbitrarily called it .arbitraryOrder).

I believe it would not be source breaking.

> I am not arguing that that is necessarily the right approach, just that we 
> need more thought/discussion around what is actually causing the confusion 
> here: The fact that we are assuming an ordering on something where the 
> ordering is undefined.
> The underlying source of the confusion is clear; I'm trying to encourage us 
> *not* to talk about it here, though, as it's not a tractable problem for 
> Swift 5.

I find that problematic.

There are a range of potential solutions that are being offered, from renaming 
the ‘elementsEqual’ to other things besides ‘lexicographicallyEquals’ to 
updating our sequence/collection protocols in a minimally source breaking (or 
even source compatible) way.

Also, I would also argue that if we do find that there are real problems with 
the sequence protocols, now is the time to fix them before the ABI is set.


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