>> How is the iteration order of an unordered set or dictionary “publicly 
>> observable”? If either is implemented such that it can asynchronously 
>> optimize its storage (maybe by rebalancing a tree or merging two 
>> non-contiguous array segments or something), its iteration order could 
>> change without changing what values it contains. Seems like consecutive 
>> calls to “elementsEquals” (or whatever we’re calling it) should return the 
>> same answer, if we don’t add, remove, or mutate elements.
> Sets are values. If you add, remove, or mutate any elements you have a 
> different Set and thus a potentially different ordering of elements.

An implementation detail. We could make it a class* and AFAICT that wouldn't 
break any guarantees on Sequence; and the argument applies equally well to any 
other unordered Sequence, which has no value type or semantics constraint.

*: obviously we won't, I don't think anyone is advocating that.

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